Friday, October 1, 2010


You ever have those days where you lacking motivation? Feelin' the blues for no reason at all? Sleep in past the alarm clock and show up late for work (like I did this morning- side note, Thank goodness I 1. have the BEST and most UNDERSTANDING clients in the world! and 2. work out of my house!), Spill your coffee on your new WHITE pants? You know those kinda days....Well if you don't, let me know what you're doing! lol But if you're human and have those kind of days from time to time, tune in...

Its easy to let a bad mood let the rest of your day go down the drain- and that's just it- its easy to let a bad mood take over. Its easy to be unhappy. Its easy to sit on the couch and wish we were someone or somewhere else. But sometimes we have to work to make life good. Because most of the time anything worth having, is going to take some good old fashioned HARD WORK. Nothings going to be served up on any silver platter.

I've learned alot about that from some amazing wives here in the military. Its not easy to watch your spouse deploy or leave for school or come home late every night from work. Its not easy for them to put a big smile on their face and take care of the kids, the house, the car, the .....everything well their spouse is gone. But they do it, and they do it with a smile. The point is life isn't always easy, but if you fight it tooth and nail the whole way through its going to be a hell of alot harder than if you greeted challenges, or just a bad mood, with a smile.

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