Monday, October 25, 2010


In case I haven't yet informed you all, I am now an OFFICIAL ISSA PERSONAL TRAINER!!! I am soo excited to continue on this journey of health and wellness! It's truly incredible what we can achieve with our own bodies- there truly are no limits to our success.
As a new trainer I'd like to ask your advice on what you expect out of a Personal Trainer, and for those readers who are professionals yourselves, what is your greatest tip? I really appreciate the feedback!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

You have to WANT it

I often have people ask me questions like How do you do it? or Why do do you do it? Referring of course to healthy clean eating, working out, and competing. Sometimes these questions come from someone who honestly wants to know, others ask as if I'm from another planet! (As if eating clean and working out was some foreign, taboo thing to do) Those that express a genuine interest make my day because they're like sponges, absorbing anything and everything I have to say. They too, see the need to take care of your body (its the only one we have people!) The critics, however, are a little harder to sway, but I take the challenge. I figure if someone can be so stubborn against something, imagine how gung-ho they'll be towards living healthy if I can help them see another side.

Back to how and why I do it. The How is pretty simple: I WANT to do it. When you WANT something and make it your top priority, its going to happen. But you have to want it with everything in you, or its just simply not going to happen. Pardon my language, but you can't half ass it- its 110% or forget it. This may mean making some lifestyle changes, I know for me it did. Late nights out drinking...well I'm the DD now; social gatherings...I tend to bring my own food or bring a dish that I know I can eat; sleeping way I'm at the gym!; skipping meals...not a chance, I carry a lunchbox everywhere I go...and the list goes on. Point is, the idea of wanting is only half of it, your actions are the rest. The journey isn't easy, but its well worth it. This regimen teaches you discipline, and even if you're not wanting to compete, you have to at least respect the discipline it teaches you that will carry over into all areas of your life. Not to mention the health benefits of course!

As to Why I do it? I love it. Plain and simple. I love the adrenaline rush I feel working out, I love sprinting with my music blaring in my ears, I love the burn of pushing out one more rep, I love seeing my physique change, I love the discipline it has brought to my life, I love getting glamorous for a day and stepping on stage and feeling like a rock star for 45 seconds, I love feeling healthy, I love finding new recipes, I love helping others discover all these feelings and more...I love it all!



PACKING YOUR BAG...Shows tend to be a long day, especially if its a one day show show. You're probally going to be getting up around 4 or 5 am, and going to as late as MIDNIGHT!!! Usually there will be a break between Pre-judging and the Evening Show, so if you can, staying at a host hotel is optimal. But if you're saving cash and driving home inbetween (like I have for my last 3 shows), then its good to have everything on you, you know just in case!
Some essential items:
  • FOOD! Pack your tupperwears the night BEFORE- you don't want to be rushing the morning of.
  • EXTRA...suit, heels, costume, jewerly- its alwasy good to have a backup!
  • STYLING TOOLS: makeup, hair product, hot tools, mirror.
  • TANNING PRODUCTS and BIKINI BITE: and rubber gloves so you don't get it all over you! And a towel for clean up.
  • CAMERA! You'll want to catch these memories for sure!
  • $MONEY: In case of fees, parking, tickets, photo packages, food, you never know!
  • COMP. BUISNESS CARDS: Network , network, network!
  • SOMETHING COMFY TO WEAR: dark, loosefit clothing is the best (your tan will be rubbing off EVERYWHERE!)

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Mmmm I LOVE Pumpkin!!! It's one of my favorite parts about Fall! And even though I'm in Hawaii where its always hot, I still like to get my pumpkin fix. So I created this delicious post-workout shake.

  • 1/4 c unsweetened pumpkin
  • 1 scoop Vanilla or Chocolate whey protein powder
  • 5 dates
  • 1 Truvia packet
  • 1 tbs Sugar Free Vanilla, Caramel Coffee Mate
  • 1 tsp cinnamen
  • 1 tsp pumpkin spice
  • Lots of ice and about 1/2 -3/4c water

Blend and Enjoy!!! This tastes just like Pumpkin Pie!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


  • TANNING: Exfoliate! Wax or shave BEFORE tan! (waxing is better, but not neccesary) If youre super pale, (like me) it does help to have a bit of a real base tan. (I know, I know its bad for your skin, but it does help with the whole tanning process) Test your tanning products out in advance- theres a few different brands out there (Jana Tan, Pro Tan, Dream your research and find out what makes you look like an oopma loompa and what makes you look good lol) And remember, you need to be DARK on stage, those lights will wash you out! (Believe me, I always feel freakishly dark and then I see the pictures from on stage and I look like I havent seen sunlight in years!) Another tip, (my face does not like tanner, so I will do a light coat of tanner on my face and buy makeup to match the tan).
  • HEELS: So my first competition I bought the highest pair of heels I could find with a platform: I thought "I wear heels everyday, I can totally rock this!" Umm not so much, I was awkward and looked scared as hell in all the pictures. Point is, find a heel that is COMFORTABLE! I love my heels with an ankle strap- the last thing you want to be worrying about is tripping on stage! And my goodness, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! It is not easy getting up on stage strutting your stuff- I don't care how confindent you think you are- noone is too good for practice. Ever hear of that whole do something for yada yada days and it becomes a habit? Well, its true: you dont wnat to look rehearsed, but you don't want to look like you have no idea what youre doing up there either.
  • SUITS: Oh how I wish someone had told me I didn't need to buy a super expensive suit! I shamefully admit I could have bought quite a few new suits instead of this blingly ONE: gorgeous as it is, it was completely unnecessary on my part. So if youre just getting started or on a budget (like me!) off the rack are fine. Suitsyouswimwear is also a great website with suits under $100.00. Keep in mind also, that you can buy a suit and have it tailored more to you, or turn it into a scrunch butt or add more bling. To find out whats in check out what the Pros are wearing. And dont forget to buy some BIKINI BITE! No wedgie picking on stage:P
  • PLAN YOUR SHOWS/ HAVE A BUDGET: Have a goal, know why youre doing a certain show. I have wasted way to much money on shows that weren't worth it, (not that there weren't good shows, they just weren't worth either the strain on my budget or body). (Yes, its always nice to compete, but if youre not ready or its not in the budget dont do it! Im speaking from past experience people- wait till your body is ready, wait till your emotionally ready, and wait till your budget is ready lol) I love the thrill of the stage, but I'm the type of person who likes to be completely prepared and when Im not, Im completely frazzled. Call me Type A if you want- I think its being smart waiting. (Unfortunately, I tend to get a little ahead of myself sometimes and make some unrealistic goals, leading to impulse shows lol) And as for knowing why youre doing a show: is it to qualify for Nationals? do you know the federation? is it for experience? exposure? Know your stuff. In the beginning I had no idea between the federations (Im still learning btw) and what it all meant- now I have a clearcut goal.
  • ETIQUETTE: Ah, my favorite one to talk about. I'll keep this short and sweet (like me haha- I'm a cheeseball I know) Be nice! None of those catty backwards compliments, (you know which ones I mean.) And always keep in mind, what you say to people. I know I've had comments made that make my night and others that hurt. So think twice before snapping out something that may be just the low carb and water deprived voice coming out, and take it all with a grain of salt if youre on the recieving end.

I genuinely love meeting new people at shows, and its a great way to network. I've found that I see alot of the same faces at different shows, and its nice to always see a familiar face backstage. And like I said before, its in the judges hands who wins: so enjoy yourself, makes some friends, have an AMAZING time, and ROCK that stage!

Stay tuned for PART 2 of COMPETITOR'S DOS!

Paradise Cup! Nationals here I come!!!

Finally, some time to sit down and write! It's been a busy couple of weeks! Especially this past week leading up to Hawaii's Paradise Cup, (which was by the way, an amazing show!) It was a National Qualifier, top 5 qualify, and I came in 3rd!!! There was such great camaraderie between the competitors- not only was everyone beautiful on the outside, but super sweet and nice on the inside. Its so nice to compete in a show when everyone is nice- besides theres really no need to be bitchy to each other- its in the judges hands who wins anyways! lol
So whats next?? Nationals 2011, and I am soo ready to step up my game :) ...the word TENACIOUS comes to mind right now. I've placed in the top 3 in my last 3 shows this year, and I'm hoping to kick it up a notch in 2011. I may be sweet, but I never give up on my dreams...and this girl, wants her PRO CARD!! lol Competing is definitely challenging, but so worth every minute spent in gym, the dieting, all the preparation- just leading up to one day- with maybe 5 minutes on stage. Those 5 minutes though, make it all worth it. Take it from a shy girl- its the biggest rush you'll ever get!
I truly can't even put into words how much I love fitness and nutrition, and everything about it. I love learning new workouts, concocting new recipes, creating meal plans, and can not WAIT to start training people! And competing is just like icing on the cake for me: its like showcasing what I love to do: being active, eating healthy, and being glamorous and flashy for a day :P So, in a nutshell, thats whats new with me! Stay tuned for some of my competing tips that I have learned from this past year (my first year) of competing!!
Pictured: Top 5 Bkini Short Class at Paradise Cup Oct 8th 2010 Hawaii

Thursday, October 7, 2010

just a hello :)

Lots on my plate this week! Strength training workshop (awesome), finishing up ISSA Personal Training Exam (on my last essay woohoo), getting ready for the Paradise Cup (this Friday!!!), looking for jobs in Ohio (our soon-to-be new home), looking for a HOUSE in our soon-to-be home, keeping up with the housework, clients, tanning for the competition, writing new workouts, primping for show (believe me it takes WORK to get stage-ready!), gym (gotta get those workouts in!), baking (bringing goodies is always a nice way to make friends:) ), writing, and I'm sure theres something I'm leaving out! It's good to be busy :) Hope everyone elses week is going well! xoxo

Friday, October 1, 2010


You ever have those days where you lacking motivation? Feelin' the blues for no reason at all? Sleep in past the alarm clock and show up late for work (like I did this morning- side note, Thank goodness I 1. have the BEST and most UNDERSTANDING clients in the world! and 2. work out of my house!), Spill your coffee on your new WHITE pants? You know those kinda days....Well if you don't, let me know what you're doing! lol But if you're human and have those kind of days from time to time, tune in...

Its easy to let a bad mood let the rest of your day go down the drain- and that's just it- its easy to let a bad mood take over. Its easy to be unhappy. Its easy to sit on the couch and wish we were someone or somewhere else. But sometimes we have to work to make life good. Because most of the time anything worth having, is going to take some good old fashioned HARD WORK. Nothings going to be served up on any silver platter.

I've learned alot about that from some amazing wives here in the military. Its not easy to watch your spouse deploy or leave for school or come home late every night from work. Its not easy for them to put a big smile on their face and take care of the kids, the house, the car, the .....everything well their spouse is gone. But they do it, and they do it with a smile. The point is life isn't always easy, but if you fight it tooth and nail the whole way through its going to be a hell of alot harder than if you greeted challenges, or just a bad mood, with a smile.