Sunday, January 2, 2011

Goal Setting

Ahh a NEW YEAR! There's something about the beginning of a new year that allows us to have a fresh start. A year to tackle new goals, conquer our old obstacles, and a chance to wipe our slate clean of any dirt from the past. Yes, we all have goals year round, but New Year goal setting takes the cake. A whole new year to achieve, grow, and learn. I'm excited, are you??!!

So in case you haven't guessed, today's blog is about goal setting. Because, what is a more perfect topic to start the New Year? :) I love goal setting because it gives me a deadline. I personally, NEED deadlines. I tend to take on multiple tasks and projects, and before I know it, I'm overwhelmed and out of time. By giving myself a deadline, I can better (well attempt to better) planning my time. Next, I like to write my goals on paper: writing it down makes it permanent, and I can look at it everyday to remind me (just in case I forget :P) I also like to make a visionary board filled with inspirational quotes and pictures to keep me motivated and excited when times are tough or stressful.

I'd also like to share with you all 3 tips I have towards staying on track with whatever your goals may be.

1. Always, always have faith in yourself. You can achieve so much more than what you think you can!
2. Be accountable for yourself and your actions. Don't make excuses for what you did or did not do, just DO IT!
3. Time management. Schedule it in, write it down, whatever you need to do to keep yourself on schedule.

Good luck with your goals! And Happy 2011 New Year!

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