Saturday, July 24, 2010

RANT OF THE DAY! Why do credit card companies send out that fake little card?? They even put your name on it and make it look all fancy!! Its such a tease! I want to call the company and tell them that if they really wanted me to have their credit card then they would send me a real one and let me test it out! Maybe buy that new pair of shoes I've been eyeing, but noooo they instead send out a cardboard piece of crap with nothing but a promise of high interest rates and months of holing myself into debt. Thanks but no thanks, I've already learned the hard way from your sister companies.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Alright, I swear I'm going to sit down and actually write today- I have a serious case of writer slackeritis...not good! So I woke up at 7 this morning- not late, but considering the fact I went to bed at 9:30...lets just say I have no reason to be lazy today!! And there is lots to get done- including (get excited) finish up studying for my ISSA Personal Training License!!! Yea!!! I'm on the last section of the book!!! So close! (Round of applause inserted here, the real cheesy kind teachers used to do for us in elementary school, you know where they actually make a circle clapping, yep that kind) ...and yes I am a dork, keep reading...Also on the to do list today BEACH RUN- I've been addicted to the stairmaster lately, and I think its time for something new. And being limited on my time here in Hawaii- leaving in November! I figured I better soak up the sun and tropic breeze every chance I get! Last night I decided to go for run, after some hemhaaing over whether or not I wanted to go (you know sometimes you try and talk yourself out things bc you're tired, too busy, or ahemm coughcough LAZY?!) and Im so glad I did. The weather was perfect- sun was setting, breezy, not to hot, but no need for a sweatshirt: PERFECT. For those 30 min (yes it was a short run, but give me some credit I was out there :P)it was as if if life stopped- no bills, no worries, no damn work emailing me if I had faxed my stupid sheets it yet, no dirty laundry, nothing....just peace, just the sound of my feet feet hitting the pavement, the tropic wind whipping my ponytail, feeling my heart beat as I pushed myself up a hill....perfection As I reached the top of the hill and began my descent down I could see all of our beautiful Marine Corps Base and Ocean for as far as I could see. As much as I complain about Hawaii and being so far from home, that moment was perfect, that run was perfect, and no one was going to take that away. Perfection comes from unexpected places...alright enough daydreaming for the day I need tackle my to do list before it tackles me!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

new chicken recipe

Hi everyone! New recipe for you (credit goes to my hubby for this one!)

1 lb ground chicken
1 tbs lemon pepper seasoning
1/2 tbs chili powder
1/4 c low-cal, low sodium lemon pepper marinade

mix together and pan cook (aprox 4-5 min each side)