Start out with a warmup: Mine was a 10 min walk/ jog to the ball field, followed by some dynamic stretches.
Next, begin your intervals!: (Below I listed a few ideas) I recommend starting out with 5 min intervals, resting 2-3 min in between. And building up to 7-10 min. Aim for 20- 30 min total, not counting rest times. So bring a timer or cell phone to keep time.
Remember to take breaks when needed, and bring water!! *Interval training is alternating different exercises, usually different speeds or degrees of difficulty so keep that in mind when choosing your exercises.
Exercise Options: Just some ideas, but the options are endless! *Put 4 exercises together at a time (Home Base to First Base, First to Second, Second to Third, and Third to Home).
- Run, Sprint, Jog, Walk, Walking Lunges, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Cariover, Shuffle, Leap Frogs, Bear Crawl, Crab Walk, Walking Plank, Back Pedal, High Skip, Bounding Jump, 1 legged Hop, Hopscotch, Spiderman...
Have FUN! Let me know it goes :)
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