Thursday, November 4, 2010


As you all know I am a bit of a fitness fanatic, and am trying really hard to transition careers into the fitness industry. I've been doing my best with studying and attempting to network via the internet (which as you know is NOT my territory of expertise lol) but I'm asking for your help on this one. is having a Spokesmodel Search and the winner lands the cover of Iron Man Magazine AND will represent and the Bodyspace community by working the booth at the 2011 Arnold and 2011 Olympia Expos!!! (aka a DREAM COME TRUE for me!) I know, I know another contest, but it would mean alot if you would take the time and vote once a day for the month of November.

Thankyou for your time and support!

Just go to
Then select, VOTE
And my profile is: ElspethKPolt

Monday, November 1, 2010

Healthy Cranberry Sauce!

With Thanksgiving and the Holiday season approaching you may be fearing for your waistlines, but have no fear!

Here is one tasty recipe that I found in Tosca Reno's cookbook and gave my own little twist to it. It will satisfy your sweet tooth and not break your diet! You only need a few ingredients and about 10 min prep time! (Is that easy or what??!)

  • 1 12oz bag of cranberries, fresh
  • Juice of 2 oranges or 1/3 c orangic OJ
  • 1 Green Apple, chopped
  • 1/2 c Sugar Free Maple Syrup OR 1/2 c Honey
  • 4 cinnamon sticks
  • Pinch of cinnamon

All you do is pour all ingredients in a glass bowl, mix, and bake for 30-40 min at 350! Enjoy warm! Great as a dessert or as a replacement for sugary canned cranberry sauce!

Monday, October 25, 2010


In case I haven't yet informed you all, I am now an OFFICIAL ISSA PERSONAL TRAINER!!! I am soo excited to continue on this journey of health and wellness! It's truly incredible what we can achieve with our own bodies- there truly are no limits to our success.
As a new trainer I'd like to ask your advice on what you expect out of a Personal Trainer, and for those readers who are professionals yourselves, what is your greatest tip? I really appreciate the feedback!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

You have to WANT it

I often have people ask me questions like How do you do it? or Why do do you do it? Referring of course to healthy clean eating, working out, and competing. Sometimes these questions come from someone who honestly wants to know, others ask as if I'm from another planet! (As if eating clean and working out was some foreign, taboo thing to do) Those that express a genuine interest make my day because they're like sponges, absorbing anything and everything I have to say. They too, see the need to take care of your body (its the only one we have people!) The critics, however, are a little harder to sway, but I take the challenge. I figure if someone can be so stubborn against something, imagine how gung-ho they'll be towards living healthy if I can help them see another side.

Back to how and why I do it. The How is pretty simple: I WANT to do it. When you WANT something and make it your top priority, its going to happen. But you have to want it with everything in you, or its just simply not going to happen. Pardon my language, but you can't half ass it- its 110% or forget it. This may mean making some lifestyle changes, I know for me it did. Late nights out drinking...well I'm the DD now; social gatherings...I tend to bring my own food or bring a dish that I know I can eat; sleeping way I'm at the gym!; skipping meals...not a chance, I carry a lunchbox everywhere I go...and the list goes on. Point is, the idea of wanting is only half of it, your actions are the rest. The journey isn't easy, but its well worth it. This regimen teaches you discipline, and even if you're not wanting to compete, you have to at least respect the discipline it teaches you that will carry over into all areas of your life. Not to mention the health benefits of course!

As to Why I do it? I love it. Plain and simple. I love the adrenaline rush I feel working out, I love sprinting with my music blaring in my ears, I love the burn of pushing out one more rep, I love seeing my physique change, I love the discipline it has brought to my life, I love getting glamorous for a day and stepping on stage and feeling like a rock star for 45 seconds, I love feeling healthy, I love finding new recipes, I love helping others discover all these feelings and more...I love it all!



PACKING YOUR BAG...Shows tend to be a long day, especially if its a one day show show. You're probally going to be getting up around 4 or 5 am, and going to as late as MIDNIGHT!!! Usually there will be a break between Pre-judging and the Evening Show, so if you can, staying at a host hotel is optimal. But if you're saving cash and driving home inbetween (like I have for my last 3 shows), then its good to have everything on you, you know just in case!
Some essential items:
  • FOOD! Pack your tupperwears the night BEFORE- you don't want to be rushing the morning of.
  • EXTRA...suit, heels, costume, jewerly- its alwasy good to have a backup!
  • STYLING TOOLS: makeup, hair product, hot tools, mirror.
  • TANNING PRODUCTS and BIKINI BITE: and rubber gloves so you don't get it all over you! And a towel for clean up.
  • CAMERA! You'll want to catch these memories for sure!
  • $MONEY: In case of fees, parking, tickets, photo packages, food, you never know!
  • COMP. BUISNESS CARDS: Network , network, network!
  • SOMETHING COMFY TO WEAR: dark, loosefit clothing is the best (your tan will be rubbing off EVERYWHERE!)

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Mmmm I LOVE Pumpkin!!! It's one of my favorite parts about Fall! And even though I'm in Hawaii where its always hot, I still like to get my pumpkin fix. So I created this delicious post-workout shake.

  • 1/4 c unsweetened pumpkin
  • 1 scoop Vanilla or Chocolate whey protein powder
  • 5 dates
  • 1 Truvia packet
  • 1 tbs Sugar Free Vanilla, Caramel Coffee Mate
  • 1 tsp cinnamen
  • 1 tsp pumpkin spice
  • Lots of ice and about 1/2 -3/4c water

Blend and Enjoy!!! This tastes just like Pumpkin Pie!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


  • TANNING: Exfoliate! Wax or shave BEFORE tan! (waxing is better, but not neccesary) If youre super pale, (like me) it does help to have a bit of a real base tan. (I know, I know its bad for your skin, but it does help with the whole tanning process) Test your tanning products out in advance- theres a few different brands out there (Jana Tan, Pro Tan, Dream your research and find out what makes you look like an oopma loompa and what makes you look good lol) And remember, you need to be DARK on stage, those lights will wash you out! (Believe me, I always feel freakishly dark and then I see the pictures from on stage and I look like I havent seen sunlight in years!) Another tip, (my face does not like tanner, so I will do a light coat of tanner on my face and buy makeup to match the tan).
  • HEELS: So my first competition I bought the highest pair of heels I could find with a platform: I thought "I wear heels everyday, I can totally rock this!" Umm not so much, I was awkward and looked scared as hell in all the pictures. Point is, find a heel that is COMFORTABLE! I love my heels with an ankle strap- the last thing you want to be worrying about is tripping on stage! And my goodness, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! It is not easy getting up on stage strutting your stuff- I don't care how confindent you think you are- noone is too good for practice. Ever hear of that whole do something for yada yada days and it becomes a habit? Well, its true: you dont wnat to look rehearsed, but you don't want to look like you have no idea what youre doing up there either.
  • SUITS: Oh how I wish someone had told me I didn't need to buy a super expensive suit! I shamefully admit I could have bought quite a few new suits instead of this blingly ONE: gorgeous as it is, it was completely unnecessary on my part. So if youre just getting started or on a budget (like me!) off the rack are fine. Suitsyouswimwear is also a great website with suits under $100.00. Keep in mind also, that you can buy a suit and have it tailored more to you, or turn it into a scrunch butt or add more bling. To find out whats in check out what the Pros are wearing. And dont forget to buy some BIKINI BITE! No wedgie picking on stage:P
  • PLAN YOUR SHOWS/ HAVE A BUDGET: Have a goal, know why youre doing a certain show. I have wasted way to much money on shows that weren't worth it, (not that there weren't good shows, they just weren't worth either the strain on my budget or body). (Yes, its always nice to compete, but if youre not ready or its not in the budget dont do it! Im speaking from past experience people- wait till your body is ready, wait till your emotionally ready, and wait till your budget is ready lol) I love the thrill of the stage, but I'm the type of person who likes to be completely prepared and when Im not, Im completely frazzled. Call me Type A if you want- I think its being smart waiting. (Unfortunately, I tend to get a little ahead of myself sometimes and make some unrealistic goals, leading to impulse shows lol) And as for knowing why youre doing a show: is it to qualify for Nationals? do you know the federation? is it for experience? exposure? Know your stuff. In the beginning I had no idea between the federations (Im still learning btw) and what it all meant- now I have a clearcut goal.
  • ETIQUETTE: Ah, my favorite one to talk about. I'll keep this short and sweet (like me haha- I'm a cheeseball I know) Be nice! None of those catty backwards compliments, (you know which ones I mean.) And always keep in mind, what you say to people. I know I've had comments made that make my night and others that hurt. So think twice before snapping out something that may be just the low carb and water deprived voice coming out, and take it all with a grain of salt if youre on the recieving end.

I genuinely love meeting new people at shows, and its a great way to network. I've found that I see alot of the same faces at different shows, and its nice to always see a familiar face backstage. And like I said before, its in the judges hands who wins: so enjoy yourself, makes some friends, have an AMAZING time, and ROCK that stage!

Stay tuned for PART 2 of COMPETITOR'S DOS!

Paradise Cup! Nationals here I come!!!

Finally, some time to sit down and write! It's been a busy couple of weeks! Especially this past week leading up to Hawaii's Paradise Cup, (which was by the way, an amazing show!) It was a National Qualifier, top 5 qualify, and I came in 3rd!!! There was such great camaraderie between the competitors- not only was everyone beautiful on the outside, but super sweet and nice on the inside. Its so nice to compete in a show when everyone is nice- besides theres really no need to be bitchy to each other- its in the judges hands who wins anyways! lol
So whats next?? Nationals 2011, and I am soo ready to step up my game :) ...the word TENACIOUS comes to mind right now. I've placed in the top 3 in my last 3 shows this year, and I'm hoping to kick it up a notch in 2011. I may be sweet, but I never give up on my dreams...and this girl, wants her PRO CARD!! lol Competing is definitely challenging, but so worth every minute spent in gym, the dieting, all the preparation- just leading up to one day- with maybe 5 minutes on stage. Those 5 minutes though, make it all worth it. Take it from a shy girl- its the biggest rush you'll ever get!
I truly can't even put into words how much I love fitness and nutrition, and everything about it. I love learning new workouts, concocting new recipes, creating meal plans, and can not WAIT to start training people! And competing is just like icing on the cake for me: its like showcasing what I love to do: being active, eating healthy, and being glamorous and flashy for a day :P So, in a nutshell, thats whats new with me! Stay tuned for some of my competing tips that I have learned from this past year (my first year) of competing!!
Pictured: Top 5 Bkini Short Class at Paradise Cup Oct 8th 2010 Hawaii

Thursday, October 7, 2010

just a hello :)

Lots on my plate this week! Strength training workshop (awesome), finishing up ISSA Personal Training Exam (on my last essay woohoo), getting ready for the Paradise Cup (this Friday!!!), looking for jobs in Ohio (our soon-to-be new home), looking for a HOUSE in our soon-to-be home, keeping up with the housework, clients, tanning for the competition, writing new workouts, primping for show (believe me it takes WORK to get stage-ready!), gym (gotta get those workouts in!), baking (bringing goodies is always a nice way to make friends:) ), writing, and I'm sure theres something I'm leaving out! It's good to be busy :) Hope everyone elses week is going well! xoxo

Friday, October 1, 2010


You ever have those days where you lacking motivation? Feelin' the blues for no reason at all? Sleep in past the alarm clock and show up late for work (like I did this morning- side note, Thank goodness I 1. have the BEST and most UNDERSTANDING clients in the world! and 2. work out of my house!), Spill your coffee on your new WHITE pants? You know those kinda days....Well if you don't, let me know what you're doing! lol But if you're human and have those kind of days from time to time, tune in...

Its easy to let a bad mood let the rest of your day go down the drain- and that's just it- its easy to let a bad mood take over. Its easy to be unhappy. Its easy to sit on the couch and wish we were someone or somewhere else. But sometimes we have to work to make life good. Because most of the time anything worth having, is going to take some good old fashioned HARD WORK. Nothings going to be served up on any silver platter.

I've learned alot about that from some amazing wives here in the military. Its not easy to watch your spouse deploy or leave for school or come home late every night from work. Its not easy for them to put a big smile on their face and take care of the kids, the house, the car, the .....everything well their spouse is gone. But they do it, and they do it with a smile. The point is life isn't always easy, but if you fight it tooth and nail the whole way through its going to be a hell of alot harder than if you greeted challenges, or just a bad mood, with a smile.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Have you ever felt like you've already lost the battle before you've even begun? Sometimes we can be our own worst enemies- playing mind games causing ourselves to miss out on amazing opportunities. Its natural to feel afraid of failure, but you can't let it hold you back from living. I get this way sometimes- I psych myself out, being nervous of failing, nervous of what people will say, nervous of the unknown really...but I've realized (in my ripe age of 24) that it takes the fun out of life. And what is life without fun and laughter??? I'm not saying throw every responsibility and inhibition out the window, but learn to let loose a little and not care about the outcome. Instead care about the JOURNEY!

So get there today, do something you've been nervous to try- however big or small! Have an amazing day!


We women often strive for perfection in whatever it is that we do, and for some reason this sometimes brings out the inner 'mean girl'. Well, I think its time to toss the attitude and pick up the pom-poms! We should be cheering each other on, not being catty!
I see alot of this at the gym- I don't know if its because of intimidation or what, but it needs to stop! We are all there to take a step towards living a healthier lifestyle, and regardless of our fitness levels we should be celebrating one another's motivation and dedication!
Speaking of living healthy, its not just about working out your body and eating clean, its about your mind too. Its about realizing your self worth, being happy, and enjoying your life. You can have the hottest body in town, but if you don't love yourself then whats the point?!? Know that you're worth it, and you deserve to live healthy and happy!
We, as women, can break each other down with just a look, but imagine what you could be missing out on...a friendship, memories, laughter, a shoulder to cry on...a sisterhood. Don't give it up because you're jealous, or intimidated, or you heard a rumor, or whatever it is...let it go and embrace the 'nice girl'!
Pictured above are just a few of my Savage Sisters in Vegas 2009! Sassy, Classy Ladies from all over the world!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Hi Everyone! Today I'd like to talk about the importance of taking care of YOU! You know that saying your body is your temple? Well, its true- what you put in your body, is what you are going to get out. This goes for both physically and mentally. Today, since I focus so much on the the physical aspect of nutrition and fitness, I am going to focus on the mental.
The other day I was writing and had the TV on in the background, when a sermon came on. Usually the tv is there just to add noise, but I stopped and began to listen. The man began to talk about what you project out to the world is what you get back: like an echo. This made me simple as those words are there is so much truth in them. I thought to myself that if I felt I wasn't worth having a career and happiness, then I am sure to never have it, but if I felt in my heart, and lived everyday of my life with positivity I was sure to receive it back. The concept is simple, but so true. If I am happy and positive, than others around me will become happy and positive. And what what better joy is there in life than to spread happiness??
This led me to a conversation I had with a good friend, where talked about what we wanted out of life. Luckily we are both blessed with loving families and husbands, and are able to pursue a career of our choice. Her drive towards her career and clarity in her thoughts inspire me. She works selflessly to help others reach their goals, and she is in return given happiness from her clients' joy. A beautiful cycle. It got me thinking about my own goals. When I started on this journey of health and fitness I wanted to be on the cover of magazines and starring in workout videos, (and I still wouldn't mind it lol) but I find my desires growing to expand to other areas of the wellness world. Being fit and healthy is a gift I've given myself, and something I feel I can share with others to give them happiness and joy. I can't tell people what to think or how to feel, but I can give them the tools to help find it themselves. Everyone here on Earth has a gift- realizing you have one is part one, sharing it is part two. To those of you who read my blog and follow my journey, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm still learning, but I'm here to share 'my gift' with you. My journey becomes your journey, as yours will become mine.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Plan your own workout!

I had to share this picture! Its too darn cute not to!!! That being said, there actually is a real point to my blog today (not that my cute kitties aren't!)...And that is how to find, and put together yourself, some great workouts. Have you ever felt like you've been in a bit of a workout slump? Like its almost just going through the motions? ...We all have! Well what to do, right?! So I went to my stack of fitness magazines and ripped out all of the workouts. I then put them in different categories: cardio, whole body, arms, back, chest, abs, and lower body. Next I put them all in a binder so when I want to change up my workout (for whatever body part I'm working out) I can just flip through to that section! Voila instant new workout!! Super easy! And the whole binder fits right in your gym bag!
I did the same thing for all the recipes I find. Simply organized them from snacks and appetizers to breakfast, lunch, and dinner! It also eliminated my stack of nearly 50 magazines into 5 accessible and reasonably sized binders.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

True Life "I'm on a Diet"

I'm sitting here watching MTV True Life- "I'm on a Diet" This episode is sadly showing very true scenarios in lives' of people trying to lose weight. Everything from the way they diet to their mindset is so different, even from each other! Even with similar goals their approaches have no resemblances. It just goes to show there truly is a right and wrong way to lose weight.

As I watched the end of the Dieters episode my heart ached for the beauty pageant competitor who crashed dieted, eating next to nothing, then binged immediately after her show on a burger, fries, and soda. That lifestyle is not healthy for the body or the mind. I understand the concept of eating more (5-6 small meals a day) can sound a bit like an oxymoron- "you want me to eat more?? I'm trying to lose weight!!" But how can crash dieting and starving yourself be any better? The trick to eating more often is that it keeps your metabolism up, while starving yourself creates a signal in your body to whenever you do actually eat that causes your body to hold onto it, most often as fat. At the end of the show MTV went to tell that she had gained back most of her weight and was now planning a new crash diet for her next competition. I couldn't help but think another eating disorder was born, and my heart broke for her. She was creating a terrible cycle that may take a lifetime to undo. So, in case you weren't paying attention- crash dieting is NOT the answer!!! It creates bad habits, bad health, a bad mindset, and is just plain old BAD for you!

Another girl on the show dealt with constant peer pressure, especially from her girlfriends, to cheat on her diet. "Oh one cookie won't matter..." "You can cheat once in a while..." ect ect... Yes, she can cheat, but one thing she doesn't need are negative attitudes. This girl made a positive decision in her life to lose weight and was making a conscience effort to lose it the right way. But instead of supporting her and congratulating her on her success they jumped right on that hater train. Why is it that people do that- especially those close to us? Is it jealousy? I don't know about you, but jealousy is no excuse in my book. Each one of us has the tools to take the reins on our own life, and we have no one to blame but ourselves if we chose not to do so. Taking anger and frustration out on others only hurts- not changes. So bravo to this girl for charging on with her healthy lifestyle and not giving in to negative feedback! Maybe her girlfriends will have a change of heart after seeing their mean-girl attitudes on TV!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


VEGETABLES! I'm sure you heard your parents say 'eat your vegetables' growing up, and guess what...they were right! Vegetables are full of antioxidants (that help fight many different types of cancer), fiber (that helps keep your digestive track remain clear and healthy), help boost energy without the extra calories, and are easy to prepare! (Just to name a few benefits).
While raw vegetables contain the most nutrients, they are still nutritious cooked. Shown in the picture is a medley of roasted vegetables.
2 bags frozen unseasoned vegetables
2 tbs Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 tbs fresh Basil
1 tbs Mrs Dash Italian Seasoning
1 tbs Red Wine Vinegar
Toss and cook for 20- 25 min at 400

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Move over Giada, theres a new Italian Cook in town! These turkey meatballs are quick, easy, and DELICIOUS! Great to eat with your classic pasta and sauce, scrambled into your morning eggs, or alone. So if you have 30-35 min, then you have time to whip up this meal!
1 1/2 lbs of ground turkey
1/2 c oatmeal
1/2 c chopped onions
1/2 c unsweetened applesauce
1/3 c low-sodium chicken broth
1 egg, whipped
2 tbs Basil, Parsley (Fresh is best)
1 tsp sea salt, pepper, garlic
*Pre-heat oven to 400
*Mix ingredients place meatballs on pan
*Cook for 20 min
*The chicken broth and applesauce help keep the turkey moist.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


These tasty plate helps me start most mornings of the day, paired along with some veggies on the side. Its packed with whey protein (which aids in building lean muscle mass) oatmeal (source of many nutrients and fiber) unsweetened applesauce (contains phytonutrients that act as antioxidants and fiber as well) cinnamon (has very strong anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, and can be an effective home remedy for many ailments) egg whites (the purest form of protein, and low in cholesterol) and topped off with a drizzle of honey (nature's energy booster, builds up our immune system, and is also a cure for many ailments!)
What else could you ask for in a breakfast?? Oh, that its quick and easy too?? Well, it is! Believe me I don't do much cooking that takes longer than 10 min. In fact, this one is less that 5!
*Pre-heat pan and spray with Pam or other non-stick cooking spray.
*Mix 1/4c of the following ingredients: oatmeal, egg whites, unsweetened applesauce
*1 tsp Truvia or Stevia
*1/2 tbs cinnamon
*1 tsp vanilla extract
*1/2 scoop Vanilla whey protein powder
-Pour mixture over hot pan and cook till you can flip pancake to other side without it falling apart. *This is why its key to have the pan pre-heated (aprox 2 min each side)
-Drizzle with honey, and enjoy!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The picture nowww decides to load!


For some unknown reason my blog is not allowing me to post any pictures with my blurb for today, so I guess I will be forced to write without! Today I'm posting a quick and easy asparagus recipe. But before I reveal my recipe I have to tell you all about this amazing veggie, part of the "lily" family of vegetables. Asparagus is great for numerous reasons: some which may surprise you! So I can tell you must be holding back your excitement so I'll get started...ASPARAGUS IS...
-a great detox vegetable (Asparagus is loaded with potassium, which lowers belly fat, and fiber which cleanses the digestive system. Who doesn't need a good flush of their system from time to time)
-has anti-aging benefits (maybe there's an asparagus face cream?? I'll have to look into that!)
-is an aphrodisiac (who knew asparagus could be sexy??)
-can protect against cancer ( Contains folate, which protects against cancer- I guess this veggie is much stronger than it looks!)
-reduces pain and inflammation (I guess I know what I'll be eating today for dinner!)
-can prevent osteoporosis and osteoarthritis (Contains Vitamin K which helps build strong bones- I guess milk isn't the only one building strong bones!)

Who knew?!? Now on to the recipe- you can use fresh or frozen asparagus.

-mix asparagus with: 2 tbs Extra Virgin Olive Oil
-1 tbs Vinegar (white, Red, or Balsamic)
-sea salt and pepper to taste (or any seasoning you prefer)
-Lay flat on baking sheet and cook 8-10 min at 425


And who said yummy treats can't be healthy?? Thanks to this months issue of Oxygen I have been baking up a storm of tasty treats! At a first glance the recipe list looked a little weird, (tofu and black bean brownies??) (cottage cheese in chocolate chip cookies??) but I thought why not?! And I'm sure glad I did- these treats pack in the protein without packing on the pounds! The recipes are easy, tasty, and full of nutritious ingredients so all us fit chicks (and men too :P) can stay fueled for killer workouts and keep sweet tooth cravings at bay. Could I ask for anything more in a cookie?? I think not!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


3 oz Extra firm Tofu
1/4 c reduced sodium black beans
1/2 c spinach
2 tbs salsa
sprinkle sea salt
When the moment strikes...ever feel like that? That sudden 'I need to do (blank) NOW' -not in a week, not in an hour, right NOW! I've been feeling like that alot lately...very 'seize the moment' types of moods. Maybe I'm feeling extra motivated or maybe I'm just being a little nostalgic for a place that I haven't even left yet...Either way, I feel I need to take advantage of my free time any way I can, because I dont think I will being having the luxury of making my own schedule and just 'going with the flow' for a very long time...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

RANT OF THE DAY! Why do credit card companies send out that fake little card?? They even put your name on it and make it look all fancy!! Its such a tease! I want to call the company and tell them that if they really wanted me to have their credit card then they would send me a real one and let me test it out! Maybe buy that new pair of shoes I've been eyeing, but noooo they instead send out a cardboard piece of crap with nothing but a promise of high interest rates and months of holing myself into debt. Thanks but no thanks, I've already learned the hard way from your sister companies.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Alright, I swear I'm going to sit down and actually write today- I have a serious case of writer slackeritis...not good! So I woke up at 7 this morning- not late, but considering the fact I went to bed at 9:30...lets just say I have no reason to be lazy today!! And there is lots to get done- including (get excited) finish up studying for my ISSA Personal Training License!!! Yea!!! I'm on the last section of the book!!! So close! (Round of applause inserted here, the real cheesy kind teachers used to do for us in elementary school, you know where they actually make a circle clapping, yep that kind) ...and yes I am a dork, keep reading...Also on the to do list today BEACH RUN- I've been addicted to the stairmaster lately, and I think its time for something new. And being limited on my time here in Hawaii- leaving in November! I figured I better soak up the sun and tropic breeze every chance I get! Last night I decided to go for run, after some hemhaaing over whether or not I wanted to go (you know sometimes you try and talk yourself out things bc you're tired, too busy, or ahemm coughcough LAZY?!) and Im so glad I did. The weather was perfect- sun was setting, breezy, not to hot, but no need for a sweatshirt: PERFECT. For those 30 min (yes it was a short run, but give me some credit I was out there :P)it was as if if life stopped- no bills, no worries, no damn work emailing me if I had faxed my stupid sheets it yet, no dirty laundry, nothing....just peace, just the sound of my feet feet hitting the pavement, the tropic wind whipping my ponytail, feeling my heart beat as I pushed myself up a hill....perfection As I reached the top of the hill and began my descent down I could see all of our beautiful Marine Corps Base and Ocean for as far as I could see. As much as I complain about Hawaii and being so far from home, that moment was perfect, that run was perfect, and no one was going to take that away. Perfection comes from unexpected places...alright enough daydreaming for the day I need tackle my to do list before it tackles me!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

new chicken recipe

Hi everyone! New recipe for you (credit goes to my hubby for this one!)

1 lb ground chicken
1 tbs lemon pepper seasoning
1/2 tbs chili powder
1/4 c low-cal, low sodium lemon pepper marinade

mix together and pan cook (aprox 4-5 min each side)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

9 days to goo!

9 more days to go till showtime! its been nothing but practice, practice, practice and monitoring my food intake with complete over obsessisiveness, (if thats even a word!) My body is tired, but my mind has been going a million miles a minute. Mentally checking off everything that needs to get done, appointments to make, keeping up on my school work, counting my carbs, did I do that turn right, am I smiling, did I take out the trash, oh shoot I need to make dinner, thinking about dinner Im hungry, I mean really hungry, have I written in my blog yet, what about sending in an article, oh no Im behind!, btw your voicemail is full delete it! and your email is overflowing with unopened emails...this list goes on.... But you all can relate Im sure! This week has been crazy, and im pretty sure its only going to get a little crazier...On top of that I have that overwhelming feeling of, well I dont really even know how to describe it. You know that feeling when you want something so bad your whole body aches for it?? Well thats it, thats how I feel. But baby steps, baby steps is what I need to keep telling myself- one step at a time I will climb that ladder. Wish me luck!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

im back!

Seems to be that Ive been a bit of a slacker when it comes to keeping up with this blog! But its time to get back on track, so let me back-track a bit, and fill you in on whats been going on!
Event recap:
In April I placed second in the Bikini Short Division at the Stingrey Classic here in Hawaii: amazing experience with wonderful people, and my first top 5 placing!!! Annd also the first time I didnt look like a complete 'deer in headlights' and shaking from stage fright on stage...guess 3rd time really is a charm! lol Next up on the roster, guess who passed their AFAA Group Exercise test- ME!!! SOO PUMPED!! Now I just need to get CPR certified- hopefully that wont take me another 3 years...Next up, THANKYOU USMC for granting spouses $6,000.00 to start a new career! Thanks to this grant I am now studying for my Masters Training License through ISSA. I can't wait to begin my new career, and put all this studying to work! Upcoming, June 19th I have another show here in Hawaii, and will be competing in Bikini again- I got my sparkly suit in the mail from the wonderful Amy (Suits by Amy) and its gorgeous!!! I can't wait to wear it, and for round 2 I have a little cheetah number to wear:P As far as the fitness life goes that pretty much somes up the biggies! Been working hard and enjoying my new workouts, and cooking up a storm with some new great recipes from Oxygen (OMG try the egg white pizza from this months issue of Oxygen, its A-MA-ZING!) Personally, I'm feeling great- I LOVE being home more, and being able to focus on whats really important (being with my hubby and focusing on my journey to a new career and life). And thats about it in a nutshell!
Today Im leaving you one of my favorite quotes from the classic Legally Blonde:
"I just don't think Brooke could have done this. Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't."

So true! So go do something active today, and be happy!!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

a fresh start

fresh start...its funny how free you can feel when leaving or ending something that you know wasn't right for you; not bad, but not right. its not really sad, its maybe a little happy, but more its as if a weight was lifted off your back. a release of tension, stress, anxiety...for me it was a cloud of negative energy that when i left, just blew away, almost as if it was never there. that's how you know you made the right decision, no regrets, no sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach wondering if you did the right thing. i breath in, ahhh deep breath of fresh air :) instantly i know ive done the right thing, no regret, no bitterness, no hurt; just open to start, a fresh start. sometimes in life we have to agree to disagree...its really not always worth the fight, really. i have no negative thoughts about what was, for there is always something learned. but i am hopeful for the future...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

FINALLY, a new post!

Its a bit obvious that Ive been procrastinating on writing this past couple of weeks. In all honesty nothing good was coming to me when I sat down to write. I'd blurb down a couple sentences, reread them, and decide ultimately that they were crap, and decided to wait till the next day. This pattern continued for about two weeks, until my husband (the amazing man he is) bought me the new Chelsea Handler book for Easter! I LOVE him, and I LOVE her! Not exactly the health guru, but possibly the funniest woman on earth. Upon receiving my gift I squealed like a pig in mud with excitement, and sat down to read immediately. I basically read straight through the book, breaking only for the bathroom, which I contemplated bringing it with me... I love her witty comments, and brutal honesty. Although I find myself writing of different topics; she is inspiring all the same.

So now that I've broken the writers block barrier, lets get back to food and exercise. These next couple of months will be a little more focused on the exercise aspect of my life. I'm prepping for two shows coming up: April 23 and June 19th. So my diet has been a bit more restrictive, and not as fun to write about. Exercise and preparing for the show, on the other had, has taken up the majority of my time. Thanks to my amazing coaches at CSF I've been doing some kickbutt workouts, and am starting to see results. And in the privacy of my own home I've been strutting around the house in my clear heels asking my husband which turn looked better, and if there was sufficient 'attitude' to my walk. Poor man lol All in addition to my usual critiquing of pictures and posing! And not to mention my new obsession with the Bedazzler! My new hobby is to make and decorate my own costumes. To my husbands dismay I've also rediscovered the complete and total awesomeness of glitter, and he's been finding it around the house...everywhere. He is definetely not as amused as I am when he finds glitter on his camis hehehe

In closing, I'll be working nonstop prepping for the two shows! Wish me luck, I'll keep ya'll posted:)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Clean Eating

I never realized how much I enjoyed cooking, really, until I learned to enjoy food the right way. I feel like cooking has become so exciting for me because I almost feel as though I'm discovering food for the first time, (and this time around I'm really enjoying it)...

Food, I have found, is often thought of as the 'enemy' for many constant dieters, or anyone trying to loose or maintain their weight. Calories and carbs are always being counted, labels read thoroughly: every bite of food is scrutinized before it enters our mouth. Wouldn't it just be nice to just EAT?? I honestly never thought I would find a way of eating that I actually enjoyed. I never thought I would be able to eat a meal without the feeling of guilt ultimately following. It was sad and frustrating, and even more so, I now know I'm was not alone in feeling this. So read on blog followers, and hopefully I can convert a few of you to a new world of guiltless and healthy eating:)

...So yes, this story has a happy ending, and yours can too! I discovered the power of Clean Eating about a year ago, and after a few months of trial and error, and adjusting to my new lifestyle, I have found myself hooked and forever grateful. I don't ever feel limited in my choices, I love to eat and cook, and I have to admit I've never looked or felt better. And that's a good feeling! I now feel excited to cook dinner and pack my lunch! It sounds silly, but after years of tormenting myself with silly diets it feels amazing to just relax and enjoy. I know that everything I'm putting into my body is fueling it for life, and yes, it all tastes good:)

So what are you waiting for?! You're obviously on a computer, so google Clean Eating, and of course my favorite Clean Eating Cook, Tosca Reno, and get started!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Random Acts of Kindness

Feeling inspired this morning! I'm going for 2 posts! I have to say that nothing makes my day like having a random person, or friend, go out of their way to say something or do something nice for someone else. Same goes for doing something nice myself, and seeing the smile on someone elses' face:)
Its as simple as flashing a smile, holding a door, or telling someone they look pretty: just acknowledging people other than ourselves! It's a wonderful feeling! Sometimes we get wrapped up in the chaos of our own lives, and forget that other people have problems too. And maybe, just maybe, bringing a little kindness into one anther's lives may make us take a step back and reflect. Maybe take a break from the go, go, go of our everyday lives, and learn to take some time to help others who may not have realized this little trick yet. So today pass on a random act of kindness. Say hello to people on the street, buy someones coffee behind you at the coffee shop, hold a door, give a genuine compliment, help a friend with a project, SMILE:) You never know, you may make someones day!

past, present, future...

Ahh finally a morning where I get to sit in peace for more than 10-15 min! I get to enjoy my coffee and actually write something more than a short paragraph! So get comfy, I know I am! I'm sitting here in my PJ's on the couch, gearing up for a long one, so get some popcorn (just kidding, get your kale chips or trailmix!)...

In fear that this may sound a bit lofty or possibly preachy, please look beyond that and take what you can from this piece. I try not to 'take sides' or preach when I write, just give you ideas that hopefully spark something in your mind. My goal is to create an interest, and provide information towards living a healthy lifestyle through healthy eating, exercise, and positive mental health.

Today I'm going to talk about the mental health aspect. Lately I've been finding myself being a bit nostalgic or missing home. I wrestle with the idea of letting these thoughts creep in, or to push them away in fear of them intruding on my present life. I don't know if my thoughts wander because I am thousands of miles away from home, or if something in my present life is bringing them back, I just don't know. (Here's where it may get a bit lofty, so bear with me.) These thoughts, we all have them: what do we with them? Are they who we were in the past? Who we are now? I think they are a comibination of both. We wouldn't be who we are today without the past, both good and bad...

Then of course theres the sorting of the you let in all the memories of your past? Personally I say, yes. Focus on the postive memories and thoughts, but do not completely block out the less that desirable memories. For those memories helped shape who you are today, and supressed memories will do nothing but torment you.

We all live in somewhat of our own realities. We tend to see what we want to see, and for the most part, do what we want to do. Sometimes we can even completely reivent ourselves (hey, look at Madonna!) And thats wonderful, to get a fresh start, and begin something new. But don't forget what it was that got you there...My point (if you haven't realized it yet), is don't forget where you came from, because it is the gateway to all the success in your future.

So, remember your past, live in the present, and plan for the future! And have a great day:)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Goal Setting

I seem to be getting a little off track from my blogging about food! But don't worry I havent abandoned my cooking! (Just slacking on the writing portion) I have been going a bit overboard with organizing all of my recipes, workouts, and putting it all into lookbooks, (my new obsession) They are AMAZING! I am a bit of a packrat, and love to keep just about everything, so this has helped me somewhat organize my mess.

Which brings me to a tip that helps me quite alot: Goal Planning! ...why is it so helpful?
*Organizes your thoughts. (If youre anything like me, you've got a million and one thoughts flying around up there!) Putting it on paper helps make sense of it all!

*Makes it 'official'. Your goals aren't just theories or ideas now: they're on paper and concrete.

*Gives you direction.

Goal planning is a great way to help start a healthy lifestyle if you're just starting out. And a great way to stay on track and progress if you've already started on your journey!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Focus on the POSITIVE

You know those days when you wake up and everything seems to be going right? You wake up full of energy, ready, and excited, to start the drive to work and hit all the green lights, the radios playing all your favorite even get a compliment from a complete stranger...the day is yours... But then of course there are the days when nothing seems to be going right- your temper is short, you feel insecure and small. Why is that, that our moods fluctuate from day to day or even hour to hour?

Each individual is different in what makes us happy or sad, but I know that having a constant, a constant something, in our lives can make life much easier. True happiness, I believe, comes with the acceptance of yourself, both your strengths and weakness'. As of right now, (for things are always changing), I have found my strength in leading a healthy and positive lifestyle. For me eating healthy and staying physically fit has opened so many doors. Not only have I become healthy physically, I have grown mentally as well. By realizing this strength a lightbulb inside my head seemed to have turned on. The switch finally clicked! I am now writing, going back to school, and genuinely excited to learn and share! My point is that when you focus on your strengths, positive things are sure to come. It wasnt long ago that I wasn't comfortable saying I was good at anything- I thought it seemed cocky, almost rude. I felt that someone might laugh, but now I feel comfortbale in my own skin. I'm not saying I don't have the 'I can'ts' ever or have a bad day, but now its much easier to pull myself out of them.

Having a constant positive such as healthy eating and working out can bring nothing but joy, and I wish that gift to everyone! So have a happy, positve day, and don't forget to acknowledge your strengths!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

When cooking healthy its definitely a game of trial and error...and I think I've won one! lol In attempt to try and recreate my husband's favorite cookies (No-Bakes) I found a recipe thats pretty close! (no, its not as sugary and delicious, but still a valid attempt!) I found this recipe in Oxygen Magazine, as a reader's send in recipe of the month- so I really have her to thank! I love how theres so many recipes in the magazines- really saves me some time! I've gotten into the habit of cutting them all out and putting them in a book. Which is actually pretty handy- now I'm not searching relentlessly through all 30 or so of my magazines looking for a certain recipe! But back to the no-bake remix...super easy, super quick, and pretty darn tasty!

Its just...
2 c quick oats
1/2 natural pb (I melted mine to make it mix easier)
1 tbs flax seed
4 scoops protein powder (chocolate is my favorite, but you can use vanilla or cookies and cream)
1/2 water
Just mix all together and scoop into a wax paper line pan. Freeze for 3o min, cut, and enjoy!

I drizzled mine with honey, and you can add dried fruit also! So easy, perfect when youre on the go! And even better, theyre good for you:)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Finally found some time to cook, after a bit of a hectic week. Thanks to my husband's cooking we didn't go hungry! But I more than made up for it tonight with my homemade veggie lasagna and sweet potatoe sauce. Little unknown fact about lasagna, (well at least I had never heard this before), it dates back to medival times! Guess it has something going for it! This dish is great because it soo versatile! (And pretty!) This is from Tosca Reno's cook book- she is amazing!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tonight's dinner was a complete success! My husband always tries my food, but tonight he actually LIKED it! Making me the happiest housewife in the world!:) Not only did he love the meal, it was HEALTHY too!!! Further proving my point that healthy food does NOT taste bad, and you don't need a pound of butter (sorry Paula Dean!) to make a dish taste delicious!

Tonight's meal was "Persian Beef with herb khoresh and rice" from Tosca Reno. The spice blend was unique and spicy, and the aroma, you could basically taste it as it was cooking! Beef is something that I actually have never cooked, and rarely ever eat, but having my husband in mind I decided to take a jab at the unknown. The meal was fairly easy to make, but you need about 10-15 min to prep, and the meal slow cooks for 45-65 min. As Reno says, it spices up even the most basic rice or couscous. Savory and delicious, the Polt household will definetly be making this dish again!

I also made another super easy dish just for fun: Mango Salsa! Soo easy, and soo taste, and oh soo healthy! Great as a side dish, spice up plain ol chicken, or just to munch on alone!

Where I'm coming from

Here I am, sipping my Lean Green Shake, (recipe previously posted) vanilla protein is gone, and I'm short on skim milk, so I added chocolate protein and 1/4c Green Naked Juice drink. Verdict- pretty darn good! Has a richer taste, and feels a little thicker. ...But anyway, back to the topic I signed onto here to write about. I'm going to slightly diverge from food today, and talk a little, ok alot, about my background, in case you ever want to know where I'm coming from- so humor me!

I grew up a small town in NH where as I look back on it now, my life pretty much revolved around playing sports. My love affair with fitness began at the ripe age of about 6 when I started playing softball with just about every other kid in our town: (there really wasn't a whole lot else for us to do other than join the town league). Obviously then it really didn't matter if we were good or not, and that's a good thing because frankly I wasn't showing too much promise picking daisies in the outfield...But I stuck with it, and my Dad eventually landed the Coaching job for my team, thus beginning our turbulent father-daughter sport season relationship, haha. Little side note here- to know me, you know my father. We are very much alike in mannerisms, meaning we're both incredibly sweet people, will give you the shirt off our backs, but watch the temper! I've learn to keep mine private, but believe me competitions can bring out the emotions! Back to story- I made him practice with me EVERY day! Pitch, catch, bat (wasn't so hott with this one), run the bases, field, whatever I wanted. I loved the sport, and everyone used to find it so funny that I was actually 'good'! I didn't get it- so what I'm small?? I'm quick, I hustle, and more than anything I had soo much heart. I wanted to win, but more I just wanted to have fun with my friends.

By 8th grade my Dad no longer coached, from the actual coaching dugout that is, haha, but my glory continued. By now I was also playing volleyball yearround, (this beginning in 6th grade). Now this sport I LOVED. We didn't have cheer leading or gymnastics or dance, or any of the girly things I wanted at school, so volleyball was what I 'settled' for. And I'm soo glad I did! In all honesty I don't remember the stats, but I remember my love and passion for the game: it was something so intense that I don't think I could recreate it if I tried. I had this exact conversation with a client about week ago, about the intensity we used to feel when stepping onto the court, or in her case, the field. It's a beautiful feeling, and after high school I didn't know if I would ever feel it again...

My love for the sport (volleyball), and a little softball too, must have shown through. I received Coach's Awards, and MVP's all through my career, but what really shook me was my senior year. I was in a small class, but it was filled with talented athletes. I was honored to have been chosen as "Athlete of the Year", and different All-State teams, and a Captain on my team. It was an amazing end to an amazing career. With this I embarked onto college, a little unsure of what to study, but with a spot on the volleyball team...

College, well, to sum it up: it was an expensive 2 years! lol I was not ready, and unsure of what I wanted to do. I loved sports, but was I going to be a pro athlete??? ummm NO...After two years I decided to go to cosmetology school. I always had an interest in becoming an esthician, but after meeting with the director of Toni and Guy Hairdressing Academy in RI, I was ready and signed up to become the most 'FABULOUS' hairdresser there was! It was a long 9 months, but so rewarding! I LOVED my family there, and I loved the craft I had learned.

After graduating, for the next 2 1/2 years, I worked my butt off!!! I did hair, I bartended, I was a liquor promoter, I worked all the time; I WAS A WORKOHOLIC! Ahh, feels good to say it, as I'm sitting on my butt writing:) And for those 2 years, it suited my lifestlye, but I wasn't healthy. And I don't think I was very happy either, (with myself that is). The reality of it was that I felt like something was missing- problem being- I didn't know what. My eating habits were out of whack, my sleep schedule was terrible, whatever sleep I got that its, and all I did was cardio cardio cardio, (to be skinny, you know? lol) At this point in my life I was at a fork- which way to go? Which to pick? It was at this point that a client of mine, that I had been friends with for sometime now, told me I looked pretty much like Nicole Richie...awkward pause...ok, dealing with reality is not always the easiest thing. Confronting the issue head on is ugly and terrible, but let me tell you I'm soo glad I did. It's been almost a year since her telling me this, and I can't thank her enough. This woman turned my life around. She also introduced me into the fitness world, and got me to do my first show. I was in love...

And that I was: in love with fitness and competing, and with my now husband. This man as you can tell from previous blogs, is my rock. He is the love of my life, and my biggest fan. I moved out to Hawaii to be here with him, and start our life together. It has been quite the transitional phase going from working girl to just wanting to be home with him. I've also found my lifestyle, and priorities have really changed. When I first moved to Hawaii I read an article in Oxygen Magazine about a woman who was trying to juggle her full time job, while also becoming a fitness competitor and model. Eventually she quick her job, and is now a has a successful career in the Fitness Industry. Being a bit impulsive, I immediately looked up schools for Nutrition.

Yesterday I read a friend's story of her life changing experiences that lead her to sell her business and begin a new one in a whole new career field! It's funny when signs like that seem to pop up at times of unclarity, seemingly pointing you in the right direction. It seems I have found my 'missing piece'. The more I read and learn about nutrition, cooking, helping others, working out, teaching, basically anything that health and wellness encompass, the more I feel at home. And that feeling I used to get on the court, I've found it again: in teaching and working the stage, and seeing an article I wrote being published! I'm excited, I'm happy, and I'm healthy. I am currently enrolled to finish my BA in Nutrition and am studying for my AFFA certification in Primary Group Fitness. Life is good. Upon leaving Hawaii in August for our next duty station I'm excited to see what life brings.

So if you've stuck with me to the end of this longgg blog, thankyou!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

cooking Cooking COOKING!

Today I was a cooking MACHINE! My mind has been on super overdrive, and today my hands and body were finally ready to keep up! After reading my new cookbook cover to cover: (Tosca Reno, you are a genius!) and adding it to all the other recipes I've found, my little brain has been on planning overload! The wheels are really turning people, change is in the air... I feel like I am constantly thinking of new recipes, different ways to tweek them (so everyone in my life is satisfied), and how I can't believe I'm just discovering all of this! I think I may have discovered my calling! Food Network here I come- move over Martha and Rachel!! haha

Today, after my shopping date at the grocery store, I went on a nonstop cooking spree that lasted about 4 hours!...possibly more. I made:

1. Clean Egg Salad (I posted this recipe earlier, special note* cucumbers are are a good substitute for celery if you don't like celery. *Also, putting the cottage cheese in the blender gives it a MUCH nicer texture.
2. Clean Chicken Salad (This recipe was also posted before. Special Note* Boiling the chicken makes it very moist.
3. Kale and Sweet Potato Chips with Tomato Sauce! Here's a new one for you, especially you anti-cookers! This recipe is easy as pie (which I never really understood that saying, because making pie is not easy...) but this recipe is! All you need is...

1 bunch of kale, washed and torn
1 large sweet potato
2 tbs extra virgin olive oil (use a 0 cal oil spray if watching fat intake)
pinch of red pepper flakes
3 garlic gloves minced (if you don't have fresh thats ok, just use powder)

1. Preheat oven to 350. Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
2. Mix ingredients together, and line on baking sheet. If using spray, line on baking sheet then spray.
3. Cook 15-20 min, turning half-way through. Serve hot!

TOMATO SAUCE (Combine all ingredients together in bowl and serve!)
4 tbs low-sodium tomoato paste (if seasoned, you don't need to add extra seasoning)
3/4 c low-sodium chicken broth
1/2 c chopped tomato (or salsa!)
2 tsp Italian Seasoning
Tobassco Sauce (optional)
I also added chili powder

This recipe was written by Tosca Reno for Oxygen Magazine. This is great for an appitizer, and as a substitute for greasy chips! Indulging without the guilt- sounds good to me!

4. For dinner I made: THAI STIR FRY. I found this recipe in Muscle and Fitness Magazine, and modified it to my taste. It's a filling and tasty meal that combines protien, veggies, healthy fats, good carbs, and a whole lotta flavor!

20 baby carrots, halved
1 med red pepper, sliced
1 tsp Olive Oil
*14 oz of any of the following: shrimp, firm tofu, lean turkey, or chicken.
2 tsp low sodiom soy sauce
2 tbs ginger
4 minced garlic cloves
2 c cooked brown rice

Peanut Sauce
2 tbs Natural Peanut Butter
1/2 c water
1 tsp soy sauce
1/2 tsp crushed rep pepper
1/4 tsp black pepper

1. Steam carrots and peppers. (About 5 min) Then set aside.
2. Pour Olive Oil of large skillet under med-high heat . Add protien of choice, 1 tsp soy sauce, and sautee for 5 min. Add ginger, garlic, and second tsp of soy sauce; sautee again for 5 more min.
3. Place all peanut sauce ingredients in a blender (10-15 sec) until creamy. Pour over stir-fry mixture. Reduce heat to low, and simmer till sauce is thickened.
4. Serve in order on plate: rice, veggies, stir-fry mixture.

This recipe is great because it is so interchangable! You can change the vegetables or the protien to suit your needs, and your taste buds!

5. And a day wouldn't be complete without something SWEET! This recipe is a bit of a combination from Tosca Reno's Cook Book and the recipe on the back of Muffin Mix I bought. If you search the organic isles in the grocery store there are often premade mixes that include nothing but whole wheat flour and other unproccesed, good ingredients. I found a bran mix that include ww flour, flaxseed, wheat germ, organic brown sugar, and molasses. I added:
1 egg white
1 egg
1/2 c unsweetened apple sauce
1/4 c oranic orange juice
1 c chopped dates

*unsweetened apple sauce makes the muffins moist, and sweet!

Cook at 375 for 10-15 min! Enjoy, these are delicious!

Phew! I'm tired just looking at all the food I cooked! I hope you enjoy these recipes as much as I did!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lazy Sundays

I would have to say Sundays are my favorite day of the week: its one of those days where you can truly just take a break from everyday life. Its the only day my husband and I can relax together and do 'whatever'. We get to catch up on housework, watch movies, have a mid-day workout, try new recipes, and just enjoy being with each other:)

After searching through Tosca Reno's cookbook, and finding lots of savory recipes to try, I became inspired myself. I decided to try out my own creative cooking skills and make a recipe of my own! Turns out I'm not half bad at cooking- (not to say I haven't had my share of mistakes and burnt attempts). Unfortunately for my husband, he's been subject to trying everything I make, good or bad. I try to incorporate a protein, good carb, vegetable, and fruit in all of my recipes, as well as a good fat. Today's recipe can be served hot or cold, and ingredients can be interchanged to suit your own taste buds.

Quinoa with a Mediterranean Flair!

1/2c Quinoa
15-20 Small- Medium Shrimp
1/4c Cucumber
1/4c Green Beans
1/4c Red Peppers and Mushrooms
1 tbs Seasoned Goat Cheese or FF Feta
4-5 Greek Olives
1-2 tbs Low Fat Sundried Tomato Salad Dressing
1/2 tbs Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Pepper to taste

Some other options would be to use chicken, lemon juice, or fresh basil.

1. Saute red peppers, mushrooms, shrimp, and dressing over med- high heat till browned, (aprox 5-10 min).
2. Mix quinoa, cucumbers, green beans, olive oil, cheese, and olives in bowl.
3. Let heated mixture cool, stir everything together and serve!

Enough blogging for now- time to snuggle up on the couch with the one I love most<3

Saturday, February 27, 2010


What a whirlwind of a day!!! Woke up to some unpleasant surprises- natural disasters to name the big one! But on a good note, my Tosca Reno cookbook did come in the mail! (and yes, I did insist we bring it with us when evacuating to a friends house!) It was obviously a necessity: in case we need to get creative with our canned goods of course! Luckily, the Tsunami did NOT hit, and I was not forced to try out my survivor cooking skills.

Its crazy, and a little sad, that it takes even the threat of something like this to put life in perspective. I have to admit I was scared OUT OF MY MIND this morning, but there is a beauty in what a good scare can do to clear your mind. Yes, we're safe, and yes, its over, but the reminder that life is short is still there. Bottom line: do what makes you happy, surround yourself with people who support and love you, take chances, don't let negativity effect you, and follow your heart. The only thing in life that is permanent is change- so live without regrets!

On a lighter note, now that I finally have my new cookbook be expecting LOTS of new recipes:)
Been quite busy for the past couple days! Working 9 hour days can sure take it outta you! But, I have squeezed in some quality cooking time, and my husband has picked up the slack when I couldn't keep up! For my new recipes I made Stuffed Peppers and Brooke Johnson's Chicken Salad. The best thing about Stuffed Peppers is you can put anything in them you want! I stuffed mine with:

Boiled Chicken
1 tbs Olive Oil
...and topped them with FF Feta
....some other yummy options:
anything your tummy is craving!!!

1. Cook quinoa or whatever your filling is first.
2. Cut and gut peppers. Steam until soft.
3. Stuff peppers and bake for 30-35 min and 375.

Brooke Johnsons Chicken Salad (healthy Waldorf Salad)
Makes 2 servings! (1 serving= 1cup)

4.5 oz chicken (I boiled mine)
1/3 c red grapes
1/3 c green apples
1/4 c 0% Greek Yogurt
1/4 c Walnuts
1 tsp Lemon Pepper Seasoning
2 Packets Sugar Free Packets (I like Truvia, Sun Crystals, PureVia, or anything with a natural Stevia extract base)
1/3 c celery (I used green onion because I don't care for celery)

This recipe is AMAZING! Tastes BETTER than the original, unhealthy version!

And on other news...drum roll please...I am now a published writer! Yea!!! Check it out: February 25, 2010 Page B4!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Today's topic: Staying Focused and Motivated!

As time goes on, and distractions arise, the temptation to quit or stray always pops up: often when most inconvenient... At these times we often question ourselves, and why we are doing the things we do, and if they truly are important. At this point, this very vulnerable point, it is so important to remember why you started doing what you are doing. Whether its a vow to eat healthy, to work out everyday, to start school again: whatever your goal is- remember it! Write it down and hang up so you can look at it everyday. You made that goal for a reason, and that reason is important because it was important for YOU!

Often times we feel selfish for doing things for ourselves. But by doing something that makes you happy, that happiness will shine through to everything else in your life, spreading joy to others when you don't even know it. I know you've seen it- I know I have. When people are happy and positive it radiates into everything they do. Its the people who greet you with a smile every time, who hold doors, and always have a 'can do' attitude. You'd be surprised how one accomplishment of your own can open the doors to so many more.

And what to do when we don't meet our goal? Or have had a bad day? Move on! I read an article from a trainer who told her clients to take their goals one week at a time. Say, you couldn't make it to the gym 2 days, and you treated yourself to dinner one night- that's still 5 successful days!! This can be applied to anything in life! One mistake is not the end of the world- we have so much to be grateful, and excited, for in this life!

Often obstacles and life challenges are daunting and 'easier sad than done', but by always doing your best you will have no regrets. I hope this brings encouragement to anyone who reads this!

"There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward." Kahlil Gibran

Monday, February 22, 2010

Early morning wakeup call at 5:30 am today! And no complaints here! I am excited and ready for this day! I came down and cooked food for the day (except for dinner, I have a NEW one for tonight!), and am about to start my morning workout!! I'm feeling spunky this morning, I may even go for round two after work:)

My quote for today, to live by, and hopefully inspire others to do the same, is from Audrey Hepburn.
"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge you are never alone."

Such a beautiful quote, and on that note: have a wonderful day! I will be back to post tonight's new recipe!

Food For Fuel!

In such a good mood! So much to be happy and grateful for! I'm sitting here with my wonderful husband watching the Olympics, which I'm embarrassed to say I haven't watched ANY of till tonight! It's so inspiring to watch such talented and dedicated athletes do what they've worked soo hard for. It makes me want to push myself that much harder, both physically and mentally. Which brings me to an important topic- being mentally prepared and excited about your HEALTH. When choosing to eat/ live clean and healthy you are making a physical AND mental commitment to yourself. It is so much more than just eating healthy and working out; it is a promise to yourself to exercise your mind as well. The more I learn about myself, and how this lifestyle has affected me- the more I am sure that I am practicing what my body and mind need. I find peace in constantly learning more about nutrition, sharing my knowledge with others, and taking time for ME, (whether its through a form of exercise, or anything else). Investing in your health is truly one of the best things you can do for yourself! It is not selfish! It is smart!

I know for me some parts of my journey have been easier than others. I have always been self conscience of my own writing (which is ironic since I am now writing a blog!) but recently I was assigned a writing assignment to try and write for a newspaper...and nervous as I was to receive rejection, I went after it! Today I just found out that my article I recently wrote, FOOD FOR FUEL, is going to be published in the Granite State newspaper!!! I am soo excited! As soon as its published I will post a link! So, moral of today's blog: PERSEVERANCE! Through perseverance you can attain your goals of a healthy lifestlye, both mentally and physically.

On a side note, I just ordered two of Tosca Reno's cookbooks and I am sooo excited! So get ready for some new recipes!!!...except they probally won't be here for another 2 weeks because it takes FOREVER to get anything to Hawaii!

No new recipes for today, but I have some helpful hints!

1. Always eat breakfast! Kickstart your day with something sufficent- something like MY USUAL (egg white and veggie omlette with oatmeal with fruit)
2. Eat 4-6 times a day to keep your metabolism up!
3. Include healthy fats in your diet like: nuts, nut butters, olive oil, avocado, salmon, and flaxseed.
4. Read labels!!! Some foods only APPEAR to be healthy. Look for words like 'enriched' and 'processed'- (aka NO GOOD!)
5. Variety is key! Be creative with cooking; look up new recipes and try them yourself.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ahhh off work for the day!!! And what did I come home to?? A wonderful home-cooked meal! Thanks to my wonderful chef of a husband, who whipped up a seafood buffet for dinner! It was nice to have someone else cook for a change! And he was even sweet enough not to put any butter on anything! Gotta love a man who supports what you!

Well, back to my cooking adventures! Yesterday I made Salmon with Dill.

Fresh, or dried, Dill
Black Pepper
Sea Salt
Lemon Juice
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Garlic, fresh or dried

1. Preheat oven to 400
2. Place Salmon in tinfoil and cover with ingredients (measurement is at own preference)
3. Cook 10-15 min (till pink) and serve!

The fresh Dill really gave off alot of flavor!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Good Morning! Finishing MY USUAL and planning what to make for the rest of the day. For meal 2 I'm going to try a new shake from Oxygen Magazine:

Kiwi Strawberry Shake
1 1/2c frozen strawberries (vitamin C can help flatten your belly)
2 ripe kiwis (to banish muscle soreness)
1 c FF Milk
2 scoops protien
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp honey

This is a great post workout shake!

I'll keep you posted on whats for later! I'm thinking salmon with dill....

Little side note, a quote from one of the most beautiful women that ever lived, Audrey Hepburn.
"I believe in Pink.
I believe laughing is the best calorie burner.
I believe in kissing, kissing alot!
I believe in being strong, when everything seems to be going wrong.
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls.
I believe that tomorrow is another day,
and I believe in miracles..."

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Good Morning! 6:30 am here, husband just left for work and I'm just finishing up breakfast. I went with the usual: omlette and oatmeal. Sometimes its good keep some things the same: having a contsant something or other. What is that rule about doing something for some certain amount of days, and then it becomes a habit?? Thats kind of like my breakfast- occasionally I change it up a little, tweek it, but really its the same. So here's the basic recipe for...
3/4 c egg whites
1/2 c brocolli
1 tbs goat cheese

Now really you can add whatever you like to an omlette- thats the beauty of this breakfast wonder! You can put any veggie, any meat, any cheese your little heart desires! Eat it with toast, with rice, hashbrowns, homefries, or even in a burrito! Combinations are endless!

and...the other half of MY USUAL:)
1/4 c oatmeal
1/4 c organic granola (for crunch)
1/4 c berries

Another great for variations! I like my oatmeal sweet so I usually add a couple drops of Stevia Extract or honey, but brown sugar, or dried fruit it great too. And apparently I am one of the only people who had NO idea whatsoever on how to make oatmeal on the stovetop, but in chance that I am not the only one, I'm giving you directions! (to avoid dumb blonde jokes)

1. First, boil what- first dilemma, how much?!? Answer- aproximately double of how much oatmeal you want to cook.
2. Stir in oatmeal once water is boiling, and reduce heat.
3. Cook until water is mostly gone.

Easy as pie! You'll be a master breakfast chef in no time!
Well, looks like its time for me to head of to the gym- long day of work coming up!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Perhaps this post should have gone before the other today, but like everything else, my writing is a little scattered- so bear with me! This blog I'm writing (in addition to what was written earlier) is going to hopefully- no, it WILL, keep me on track with my clean eating and healthy lifesytle. In addition, I hope to inspire, and get inspired on my journey.

So, I tried one new recipe today...Tosca Reno's Clean Egg Salad. I was a little skeptical at first- in mayo's place was cottage cheese...hmmm I definetly would not have thought of that! The final verdict: I give in an 8 out of 10. It wasn't as creamy as the original, but full of flavor and wayyy more healthy! Even my husband gave it try. He wasn't too crazy about the curry, but he managed to get it down: always a good sport!

Tosca Reno's Clean Egg Salad
1/4 c FF or Lowfat cottage cheese
1 tbs Skim Milk
1 tsp mustard
1/4 tsp sea salt
dash of curry
2 tbs green onion, chopped
2 tbs celery
4 hard boiled egg whites
1 hardboiled egg yolk

1. whip cottage cheese, milk, and spices.
2. fold in egg, onion, and celery.

I ate this with whole wheat toast and an apple. Hope you enjoy it!

Small Revelation

Well, it seems I've taken quite a break from writing. Good case of writers block, but its time to get back at it- no excuses! I recently watched the movie Julie and Julia, and cheesy as it seems, it really inspired me. Lately I've been cooking quite a bit, and am constantly trying to find food that is healthy and delicious. ...not always the easiest of tasks, believe me! To give you a bit of background: I am a fitness competitor, I eat 5-6 times a day, eat clean (no processed food for me), but I love FLAVOR! My husband on the other hand, is your typical meat and potatoes, nachos and wings kind of guy, that can eat anything and still look the same! My dilemma- cooking meals that we can both enjoy. What I love about cooking and food, is how it can bring people together. I love to entertain, cook a nice dinner, bring muffins to neighbors, but I want my food to be healthy. I want to not just 'feed' my body, but fuel it with the nutrients it needs. Soo, in a bit of Julie and Julia taste, I will be cooking my way through a number of clean, healthy recipes I find and reporting back which ones actually do have flavor!

This morning I attempted a fairly easy one: LEAN GREEN SHAKE, compliments to Oxegyn Magazine, where many of my recipes will come from.
2 c baby spinach
1 ripe kiwi, peeled and quartered
1 c low fat milk
1 scoop protien powder
1 tsp vanilla

Place all ingredients in blender, and blend baby till smooth! Pour over ice!

THE VERDICT: YUMMM! Not too sweet, nice and fluffy, and the vanilla completely disguised the taste of spinach. Great way to get your serving of veggies in!