You know those days when you wake up and everything seems to be going right? You wake up full of energy, ready, and excited, to start the drive to work and hit all the green lights, the radios playing all your favorite even get a compliment from a complete stranger...the day is yours... But then of course there are the days when nothing seems to be going right- your temper is short, you feel insecure and small. Why is that, that our moods fluctuate from day to day or even hour to hour?
Each individual is different in what makes us happy or sad, but I know that having a constant, a constant something, in our lives can make life much easier. True happiness, I believe, comes with the acceptance of yourself, both your strengths and weakness'. As of right now, (for things are always changing), I have found my strength in leading a healthy and positive lifestyle. For me eating healthy and staying physically fit has opened so many doors. Not only have I become healthy physically, I have grown mentally as well. By realizing this strength a lightbulb inside my head seemed to have turned on. The switch finally clicked! I am now writing, going back to school, and genuinely excited to learn and share! My point is that when you focus on your strengths, positive things are sure to come. It wasnt long ago that I wasn't comfortable saying I was good at anything- I thought it seemed cocky, almost rude. I felt that someone might laugh, but now I feel comfortbale in my own skin. I'm not saying I don't have the 'I can'ts' ever or have a bad day, but now its much easier to pull myself out of them.
Having a constant positive such as healthy eating and working out can bring nothing but joy, and I wish that gift to everyone! So have a happy, positve day, and don't forget to acknowledge your strengths!
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