Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Small Revelation

Well, it seems I've taken quite a break from writing. Good case of writers block, but its time to get back at it- no excuses! I recently watched the movie Julie and Julia, and cheesy as it seems, it really inspired me. Lately I've been cooking quite a bit, and am constantly trying to find food that is healthy and delicious. ...not always the easiest of tasks, believe me! To give you a bit of background: I am a fitness competitor, I eat 5-6 times a day, eat clean (no processed food for me), but I love FLAVOR! My husband on the other hand, is your typical meat and potatoes, nachos and wings kind of guy, that can eat anything and still look the same! My dilemma- cooking meals that we can both enjoy. What I love about cooking and food, is how it can bring people together. I love to entertain, cook a nice dinner, bring muffins to neighbors, but I want my food to be healthy. I want to not just 'feed' my body, but fuel it with the nutrients it needs. Soo, in a bit of Julie and Julia taste, I will be cooking my way through a number of clean, healthy recipes I find and reporting back which ones actually do have flavor!

This morning I attempted a fairly easy one: LEAN GREEN SHAKE, compliments to Oxegyn Magazine, where many of my recipes will come from.
2 c baby spinach
1 ripe kiwi, peeled and quartered
1 c low fat milk
1 scoop protien powder
1 tsp vanilla

Place all ingredients in blender, and blend baby till smooth! Pour over ice!

THE VERDICT: YUMMM! Not too sweet, nice and fluffy, and the vanilla completely disguised the taste of spinach. Great way to get your serving of veggies in!


  1. I think I will have to start following this! Maybe even have you as a guest writer for the Fun Intelligent Training blog!

    The (bad) habit people get into is relying on a few select meals to fill their entire intake. I know it feels like you hit gold when you find a healthy and tasty meal, but variety will help keep you on track.

    I too am guilty of being a little boring with my nutrition, hence why just the thought of scrambled eggs makes my stomach turn.

    I look forward to more recipes, and don't be afraid to experiment!

  2. wawhoooo so happy you finding great recipies.. I will have to try some!

  3. Thank you Elspeth,

    I drink this (or a variety of) every morning for breakfast, it really helps me get the magnesium I need!

    I love your blog, it's really helping me find good recipies to get my body back after baby!

    I hope you're doing well, you look and sound great!

    Jillian Green
