Oxygen's Treadmill Fat-Blasting Plan! I love to clip cardio options out of some of my favorite magazines and stick them in my workout notebook (which goes everywhere with me!). Here is one for the treadmill. The intervals keep my mind busy so I don't get bored. Increase or decrease the speed according to your level.
0-3/ 3.5/ 3
5-7/ 5.0/3
7-9/4.0/ 4.5
9-11/ 5.5/ 4.5
11-13/ 4.5/4.5
17-20/ 4.0/6
24-25/ 5.0/ 3
25-27/ 4.0/ 3
27-30/ 3.5/0
**For an Extra FIT TIP, check out the picture (also from Oxygen Magazine) about exercsing on an empty stomach!!**
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
EL SPACE: Fitness Tips
EL SPACE: Fitness Tips: "MY TOP 10 FITNESS/ WELLNESS TIPS! 1.Don’t be afraid of lifting heavy! You will not look like a bodybuilder, I promise! 2.Vary your wor..."
Fitness Tips
1.Don’t be afraid of lifting heavy! You will not look like a bodybuilder, I promise!
2.Vary your workouts: don’t do the same thing everyday, keep your body guessing and let your muscles rest and recover.
3.Take at least one day off a week to let your muscles and central nervous system recover. You’ll come back feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your next workout or match with fire!
4.Drink water! Staying hydrated is crucial to your performance and health.
5.Make sure you’re getting your zzz’s! This is when your body is recovering.
6.No skipping meals! I eat up to 6-7 SMALL meals (made up of lean protein, complex carbs, veggies, fruits, and healthy fats) a day! Food is your friend and what keeps you going and strong. Remember working out is only half the equation to a fit and healthy body: you guessed it, nutrition is the other half!
7.Keep a journal to track your progress. I like to write down my food and workouts to track what I’ve done and track my progress. Be accountable for yourself!
8.Create a goal board! What do you want to do? Where do you want to be in 6 months, in 1 yr, in 5 yrs, in 10...? Its never to early to start thinking about your future!
9.Take time to train your mind as well. Take at least 5 minutes a day to visualize your goals whatever they may be. So when your get to that actual event, you will know exactly what to do because you’ve already done it a hundred times.
10.Lastly, and most importantly HAVE FUN! Fitness is fun- find something that makes you happy!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Summer time workouts!
Sleeping Bear Dunes, Michigan! |
Friday, July 15, 2011
Birthday Gift Box! |
My customized box! |
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Good things come to those who...
There's a saying Good things come to those who wait, but I think they've got it a little wrong...Good things come to those who are patient, yes. But more so, good things come to those who go out and GET THEM! You can't be waiting around your whole life waiting for someone to drop your dreams in your lap- its just not going to happen! Success comes from hard work, dedication, desire, and perseverance.
I'm not going to sit here on my high horse and tell you there weren't times when I wined and complained and wanted to give up- there were those times, just ask my husband! But its what you do at these moments that sets you apart from the pack. Are you ready to throw in the towel and join the rest in the dust? Or do you swallow your self-pity and jump up for another round? Set yourself apart, be bold! And never be afraid of failure- every experience has a value. We learn, hopefully, from our mistakes, and gain invaluable experience.
Now that you have a new motto: Good things come to those who go get them! Go after your dreams and goals, and never give up! You are more capable then you could ever imagine...
I'm not going to sit here on my high horse and tell you there weren't times when I wined and complained and wanted to give up- there were those times, just ask my husband! But its what you do at these moments that sets you apart from the pack. Are you ready to throw in the towel and join the rest in the dust? Or do you swallow your self-pity and jump up for another round? Set yourself apart, be bold! And never be afraid of failure- every experience has a value. We learn, hopefully, from our mistakes, and gain invaluable experience.
Now that you have a new motto: Good things come to those who go get them! Go after your dreams and goals, and never give up! You are more capable then you could ever imagine...
Saturday, July 9, 2011
"Most Muscular" ...women in the weight room
Just a few benefits of weight lifting for us ladies:
- Increased Metabolic rate...hello calorie burning!
- Increased Bone Density...and goodbye osteoporosis!
- Increased Lean Muscle Mass...no bulkiness here!
- Improved Balance and prevention from injury!
- Reduced Blood pressure and other health benefits!
- Better outlook on one's self and life...
Hmm...that all sounds pretty DERN good to me! All that good from lifting weights, who knew? :) So to get you started I wrote out one of my favorite Chest, Shoulder, and Triceps workouts to get YOU started- or for those of you who have already taken the Iron Path, here's something new for you to try.
Warmup 5-10 min on Elliptical with Arms
Chest Press Machine 3X20 1 min rest inbtween
DB Incline Chest press 3X12
Plyo Pushup 3X5-8 (Superset, rest 45 sec)
DB Flat Bench Flys 3X 15-20
DB OH Tricep Ext 3X15 (Superset, Rest 45 sec)
Cable Pressdown 3 X15-20
Bench Dips to Failure (superset, rest 30-45 sec)
1 arm DB Press, seated or standing 3X12-15 reps Rest 45-60 sec
Upright Cable Row with rope attachment 3X8-10
DB Lateral Raise 3X25 (superset, rest 45-60 sec)
Stretch and drink water! Enjoy!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Diamond Workout
If you want to SWEAT, then this workout is for you! I chose a ball field because it has intervals built right in (the bases), so its a perfect setup for interval training! This workout is fun, you don't need any equipment, and you can adjust the level of intensity.
Start out with a warmup: Mine was a 10 min walk/ jog to the ball field, followed by some dynamic stretches.
Next, begin your intervals!: (Below I listed a few ideas) I recommend starting out with 5 min intervals, resting 2-3 min in between. And building up to 7-10 min. Aim for 20- 30 min total, not counting rest times. So bring a timer or cell phone to keep time.
Remember to take breaks when needed, and bring water!! *Interval training is alternating different exercises, usually different speeds or degrees of difficulty so keep that in mind when choosing your exercises.
Exercise Options: Just some ideas, but the options are endless! *Put 4 exercises together at a time (Home Base to First Base, First to Second, Second to Third, and Third to Home).
Have FUN! Let me know it goes :)
Start out with a warmup: Mine was a 10 min walk/ jog to the ball field, followed by some dynamic stretches.
Next, begin your intervals!: (Below I listed a few ideas) I recommend starting out with 5 min intervals, resting 2-3 min in between. And building up to 7-10 min. Aim for 20- 30 min total, not counting rest times. So bring a timer or cell phone to keep time.
Remember to take breaks when needed, and bring water!! *Interval training is alternating different exercises, usually different speeds or degrees of difficulty so keep that in mind when choosing your exercises.
Exercise Options: Just some ideas, but the options are endless! *Put 4 exercises together at a time (Home Base to First Base, First to Second, Second to Third, and Third to Home).
- Run, Sprint, Jog, Walk, Walking Lunges, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Cariover, Shuffle, Leap Frogs, Bear Crawl, Crab Walk, Walking Plank, Back Pedal, High Skip, Bounding Jump, 1 legged Hop, Hopscotch, Spiderman...
Have FUN! Let me know it goes :)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Enjoy Life
Often in our lives we get caught up in the daily grind, our commitments and future planning. So much so that we wake up one morning wondering where all our time went! I know I am guilty of this. I often plan ahead to the point where I am not enjoying the present, because I'm already preoccupied with what is to come next. Don't get me wrong- goal setting is incredibly important, but there is a difference in setting future goals, and letting your goals consume you. Having a plan can make you successful, but in my opinion that is only half the equation: you must also be able to maintain balance in your life. Unfortunately when striving for one goal, almost always something else in your life will take a back seat: being able to find a balance in both is what will make you truly successful.
For me, fitness and competing is a goal of mine, but I will not allow it to disrupt other parts of my life- at least I try not to. Yes, it is part of who I am, but I am also a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a hairdresser...you get the point...It is not the only part of my life that needs attention and love. I try my hardest to find balance between them all, but inevitably some things will suffer at one point or another. Recently, I had to admit to myself that I was doing just that. And let me tell you, sometimes the hardest person to admit you're wrong to, is to yourself. For me, I was letting my goal of turning an IFBB Bikini Pro consume me, instead of me consuming it. Gradually I had begun to let much more important parts of my life slip, parts of my life that are far more important than a trophy. I still dream of turning Pro, but not if it means compromising the balance that makes life so beautiful and amazing. I was in my car the other day and heard Trace Adkin's song "You're gonna miss this" on the radio. It made me think about alot of the emotions I had been feeling lately. I hadn't been letting myself enjoy the present because I was so wrapped up in what was to come. I felt like the chorus was speaking out to me...
You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days,
Hadn't gone by so fast.
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now,
But you're gonna miss this...
It really got me thinking about my priorities in life. Were the choices I was making right for me, right for my family? Who were they benefiting? What and who was being neglected? I've taken a step back and am evaluating what is most important in my life, because I never want to look back wondering....
For me, fitness and competing is a goal of mine, but I will not allow it to disrupt other parts of my life- at least I try not to. Yes, it is part of who I am, but I am also a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a hairdresser...you get the point...It is not the only part of my life that needs attention and love. I try my hardest to find balance between them all, but inevitably some things will suffer at one point or another. Recently, I had to admit to myself that I was doing just that. And let me tell you, sometimes the hardest person to admit you're wrong to, is to yourself. For me, I was letting my goal of turning an IFBB Bikini Pro consume me, instead of me consuming it. Gradually I had begun to let much more important parts of my life slip, parts of my life that are far more important than a trophy. I still dream of turning Pro, but not if it means compromising the balance that makes life so beautiful and amazing. I was in my car the other day and heard Trace Adkin's song "You're gonna miss this" on the radio. It made me think about alot of the emotions I had been feeling lately. I hadn't been letting myself enjoy the present because I was so wrapped up in what was to come. I felt like the chorus was speaking out to me...
You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days,
Hadn't gone by so fast.
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now,
But you're gonna miss this...
It really got me thinking about my priorities in life. Were the choices I was making right for me, right for my family? Who were they benefiting? What and who was being neglected? I've taken a step back and am evaluating what is most important in my life, because I never want to look back wondering....
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Just a quick recipe: STUFFED PEPPERS!
- Lean ground beef, chicken, or turkey. Cooked on stove with choice of seasonings (I like fennel with turkey, rosemary with chicken, and sea salt and pepper with beef) and 1 tbs on Extra Virgin Olive oil. (aprox 3-4 oz goes in each pepper)
- Brown rice, cooked. (I pack about 1/4- 1/3 c cooked into each pepper)
- Low sodium tomato paste.
- Bell Peppers. Steam in boiling water for 7-10 min to soften
- Skim Mozzarella or Fat Free Feta.
- Combine meat, rice, and tomato paste in large bowl, then scoop into peppers.
- Top with cheese if desired.
- Bake at 350 for an hour.
- Serve with your choice of steamed veggies- I prefer brocolli!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Have you ever wanted something so bad it hurts? Do you have a goal that consumes pretty much every waking (and sometimes sleeping) moments? Well, then this may apply to you. Having a goal, a dream, is a wonderful thing, but can sometimes bring along its evil twin: jealousy. Sometimes in our journeys it can seem as if we're overlooked or passed by for opportunities while others rise above and achieve right before our eyes. This should truly only drive us more and make us work harder, but at a moment of weakness the green eyes of envy are surely to come out. Unfortunately his cousins self pity, self doubt, and negativity also come to join the party.
So how to control these emotions? First, recognize them. Talk to someone you trust or write in a journal: release your feelings. Don't hold onto anything negative, it will just bring you down. Realize often the jealousy you're feeling has NOTHING to do with the actual person you're feeling jealousy towards, it has to do with what you have not yet achieved...which leads to my next point. Focus on YOU, and getting yourself to where you want to be. Ask yourself: have I been working hard, focusing? Is there anything else I can do? Make a list, make a goal board, do what you need to do (without stepping on anyone else to get there- be classy!) Remember this is your journey. Work hard, stay focused, and be grateful for every opportunity that comes your way.
So how to control these emotions? First, recognize them. Talk to someone you trust or write in a journal: release your feelings. Don't hold onto anything negative, it will just bring you down. Realize often the jealousy you're feeling has NOTHING to do with the actual person you're feeling jealousy towards, it has to do with what you have not yet achieved...which leads to my next point. Focus on YOU, and getting yourself to where you want to be. Ask yourself: have I been working hard, focusing? Is there anything else I can do? Make a list, make a goal board, do what you need to do (without stepping on anyone else to get there- be classy!) Remember this is your journey. Work hard, stay focused, and be grateful for every opportunity that comes your way.
Monday, January 17, 2011
So I had a bit of an epiphany yesterday. You know when you convince yourself of things that just simply are not true? Well, I've been doing that lately with my diet. As you know I am a Bikini competitor and eat clean year round. Well, lately I've been convincing myself that having a Zone bar once in a while is ok, then that once in a while turned into once a week, then ultimately about 3 a week!! Sneaky little habit that had to be stopped!
Well yesterday I stopped at the store to get gas, fully knowing that my favorite flavor of Zone Bar was carried at this gas station (Fudge Graham). I had to test myself- I walked over and instead of picking up the bar and paying for it I flipped it over to read the back side (which I've done a trillion times before). But this time, instead of justifying my 'cheat' meal I looked at the bar for what it was: a load of sugary crap. No wonder why my stomach was full of knots every time after I ate one! Yes, it has high protein and fairly low calories (my reasonings for eating it before) but it also contained ingredients that I would NEVER even allow in my house, EVER! Like marshmallows, SUGAR, milk chocolate, and things I couldn't even pronounce!! That right there was enough for me- I put the bar down feeling proud. Small battle won for me.
It seemed so silly. I pack all my meals, and know in my head what is good and what is clearly not, yet somehow I had convinced myself that this "tiny little Zone bar" is ok...clearly it was NOT. I'm telling you its a slippery slope, letting things slide. Be in control of your life!
Well yesterday I stopped at the store to get gas, fully knowing that my favorite flavor of Zone Bar was carried at this gas station (Fudge Graham). I had to test myself- I walked over and instead of picking up the bar and paying for it I flipped it over to read the back side (which I've done a trillion times before). But this time, instead of justifying my 'cheat' meal I looked at the bar for what it was: a load of sugary crap. No wonder why my stomach was full of knots every time after I ate one! Yes, it has high protein and fairly low calories (my reasonings for eating it before) but it also contained ingredients that I would NEVER even allow in my house, EVER! Like marshmallows, SUGAR, milk chocolate, and things I couldn't even pronounce!! That right there was enough for me- I put the bar down feeling proud. Small battle won for me.
It seemed so silly. I pack all my meals, and know in my head what is good and what is clearly not, yet somehow I had convinced myself that this "tiny little Zone bar" is ok...clearly it was NOT. I'm telling you its a slippery slope, letting things slide. Be in control of your life!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Fitness Amateur of the week!
Good Morning everyone! I just want to share with you my article at Bodybuilding.com! I was selected as Fitness Amateur of the Week! (So excited!!! Which I'm sure you can tell by my overuse of exclamation points every chance I get lol) I can already feel this is going to be a good year! So many goals to achieve, and soo ready!
Enjoy the article and keep working towards your goals!
Enjoy the article and keep working towards your goals!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Goal Setting
Ahh a NEW YEAR! There's something about the beginning of a new year that allows us to have a fresh start. A year to tackle new goals, conquer our old obstacles, and a chance to wipe our slate clean of any dirt from the past. Yes, we all have goals year round, but New Year goal setting takes the cake. A whole new year to achieve, grow, and learn. I'm excited, are you??!!
So in case you haven't guessed, today's blog is about goal setting. Because, what is a more perfect topic to start the New Year? :) I love goal setting because it gives me a deadline. I personally, NEED deadlines. I tend to take on multiple tasks and projects, and before I know it, I'm overwhelmed and out of time. By giving myself a deadline, I can better (well attempt to better) planning my time. Next, I like to write my goals on paper: writing it down makes it permanent, and I can look at it everyday to remind me (just in case I forget :P) I also like to make a visionary board filled with inspirational quotes and pictures to keep me motivated and excited when times are tough or stressful.
I'd also like to share with you all 3 tips I have towards staying on track with whatever your goals may be.
1. Always, always have faith in yourself. You can achieve so much more than what you think you can!
2. Be accountable for yourself and your actions. Don't make excuses for what you did or did not do, just DO IT!
3. Time management. Schedule it in, write it down, whatever you need to do to keep yourself on schedule.
Good luck with your goals! And Happy 2011 New Year!
So in case you haven't guessed, today's blog is about goal setting. Because, what is a more perfect topic to start the New Year? :) I love goal setting because it gives me a deadline. I personally, NEED deadlines. I tend to take on multiple tasks and projects, and before I know it, I'm overwhelmed and out of time. By giving myself a deadline, I can better (well attempt to better) planning my time. Next, I like to write my goals on paper: writing it down makes it permanent, and I can look at it everyday to remind me (just in case I forget :P) I also like to make a visionary board filled with inspirational quotes and pictures to keep me motivated and excited when times are tough or stressful.
I'd also like to share with you all 3 tips I have towards staying on track with whatever your goals may be.
1. Always, always have faith in yourself. You can achieve so much more than what you think you can!
2. Be accountable for yourself and your actions. Don't make excuses for what you did or did not do, just DO IT!
3. Time management. Schedule it in, write it down, whatever you need to do to keep yourself on schedule.
Good luck with your goals! And Happy 2011 New Year!
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