Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Have you ever felt like you've already lost the battle before you've even begun? Sometimes we can be our own worst enemies- playing mind games causing ourselves to miss out on amazing opportunities. Its natural to feel afraid of failure, but you can't let it hold you back from living. I get this way sometimes- I psych myself out, being nervous of failing, nervous of what people will say, nervous of the unknown really...but I've realized (in my ripe age of 24) that it takes the fun out of life. And what is life without fun and laughter??? I'm not saying throw every responsibility and inhibition out the window, but learn to let loose a little and not care about the outcome. Instead care about the JOURNEY!

So get there today, do something you've been nervous to try- however big or small! Have an amazing day!


We women often strive for perfection in whatever it is that we do, and for some reason this sometimes brings out the inner 'mean girl'. Well, I think its time to toss the attitude and pick up the pom-poms! We should be cheering each other on, not being catty!
I see alot of this at the gym- I don't know if its because of intimidation or what, but it needs to stop! We are all there to take a step towards living a healthier lifestyle, and regardless of our fitness levels we should be celebrating one another's motivation and dedication!
Speaking of living healthy, its not just about working out your body and eating clean, its about your mind too. Its about realizing your self worth, being happy, and enjoying your life. You can have the hottest body in town, but if you don't love yourself then whats the point?!? Know that you're worth it, and you deserve to live healthy and happy!
We, as women, can break each other down with just a look, but imagine what you could be missing out on...a friendship, memories, laughter, a shoulder to cry on...a sisterhood. Don't give it up because you're jealous, or intimidated, or you heard a rumor, or whatever it is...let it go and embrace the 'nice girl'!
Pictured above are just a few of my Savage Sisters in Vegas 2009! Sassy, Classy Ladies from all over the world!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Hi Everyone! Today I'd like to talk about the importance of taking care of YOU! You know that saying your body is your temple? Well, its true- what you put in your body, is what you are going to get out. This goes for both physically and mentally. Today, since I focus so much on the the physical aspect of nutrition and fitness, I am going to focus on the mental.
The other day I was writing and had the TV on in the background, when a sermon came on. Usually the tv is there just to add noise, but I stopped and began to listen. The man began to talk about what you project out to the world is what you get back: like an echo. This made me simple as those words are there is so much truth in them. I thought to myself that if I felt I wasn't worth having a career and happiness, then I am sure to never have it, but if I felt in my heart, and lived everyday of my life with positivity I was sure to receive it back. The concept is simple, but so true. If I am happy and positive, than others around me will become happy and positive. And what what better joy is there in life than to spread happiness??
This led me to a conversation I had with a good friend, where talked about what we wanted out of life. Luckily we are both blessed with loving families and husbands, and are able to pursue a career of our choice. Her drive towards her career and clarity in her thoughts inspire me. She works selflessly to help others reach their goals, and she is in return given happiness from her clients' joy. A beautiful cycle. It got me thinking about my own goals. When I started on this journey of health and fitness I wanted to be on the cover of magazines and starring in workout videos, (and I still wouldn't mind it lol) but I find my desires growing to expand to other areas of the wellness world. Being fit and healthy is a gift I've given myself, and something I feel I can share with others to give them happiness and joy. I can't tell people what to think or how to feel, but I can give them the tools to help find it themselves. Everyone here on Earth has a gift- realizing you have one is part one, sharing it is part two. To those of you who read my blog and follow my journey, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm still learning, but I'm here to share 'my gift' with you. My journey becomes your journey, as yours will become mine.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Plan your own workout!

I had to share this picture! Its too darn cute not to!!! That being said, there actually is a real point to my blog today (not that my cute kitties aren't!)...And that is how to find, and put together yourself, some great workouts. Have you ever felt like you've been in a bit of a workout slump? Like its almost just going through the motions? ...We all have! Well what to do, right?! So I went to my stack of fitness magazines and ripped out all of the workouts. I then put them in different categories: cardio, whole body, arms, back, chest, abs, and lower body. Next I put them all in a binder so when I want to change up my workout (for whatever body part I'm working out) I can just flip through to that section! Voila instant new workout!! Super easy! And the whole binder fits right in your gym bag!
I did the same thing for all the recipes I find. Simply organized them from snacks and appetizers to breakfast, lunch, and dinner! It also eliminated my stack of nearly 50 magazines into 5 accessible and reasonably sized binders.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

True Life "I'm on a Diet"

I'm sitting here watching MTV True Life- "I'm on a Diet" This episode is sadly showing very true scenarios in lives' of people trying to lose weight. Everything from the way they diet to their mindset is so different, even from each other! Even with similar goals their approaches have no resemblances. It just goes to show there truly is a right and wrong way to lose weight.

As I watched the end of the Dieters episode my heart ached for the beauty pageant competitor who crashed dieted, eating next to nothing, then binged immediately after her show on a burger, fries, and soda. That lifestyle is not healthy for the body or the mind. I understand the concept of eating more (5-6 small meals a day) can sound a bit like an oxymoron- "you want me to eat more?? I'm trying to lose weight!!" But how can crash dieting and starving yourself be any better? The trick to eating more often is that it keeps your metabolism up, while starving yourself creates a signal in your body to whenever you do actually eat that causes your body to hold onto it, most often as fat. At the end of the show MTV went to tell that she had gained back most of her weight and was now planning a new crash diet for her next competition. I couldn't help but think another eating disorder was born, and my heart broke for her. She was creating a terrible cycle that may take a lifetime to undo. So, in case you weren't paying attention- crash dieting is NOT the answer!!! It creates bad habits, bad health, a bad mindset, and is just plain old BAD for you!

Another girl on the show dealt with constant peer pressure, especially from her girlfriends, to cheat on her diet. "Oh one cookie won't matter..." "You can cheat once in a while..." ect ect... Yes, she can cheat, but one thing she doesn't need are negative attitudes. This girl made a positive decision in her life to lose weight and was making a conscience effort to lose it the right way. But instead of supporting her and congratulating her on her success they jumped right on that hater train. Why is it that people do that- especially those close to us? Is it jealousy? I don't know about you, but jealousy is no excuse in my book. Each one of us has the tools to take the reins on our own life, and we have no one to blame but ourselves if we chose not to do so. Taking anger and frustration out on others only hurts- not changes. So bravo to this girl for charging on with her healthy lifestyle and not giving in to negative feedback! Maybe her girlfriends will have a change of heart after seeing their mean-girl attitudes on TV!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


VEGETABLES! I'm sure you heard your parents say 'eat your vegetables' growing up, and guess what...they were right! Vegetables are full of antioxidants (that help fight many different types of cancer), fiber (that helps keep your digestive track remain clear and healthy), help boost energy without the extra calories, and are easy to prepare! (Just to name a few benefits).
While raw vegetables contain the most nutrients, they are still nutritious cooked. Shown in the picture is a medley of roasted vegetables.
2 bags frozen unseasoned vegetables
2 tbs Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 tbs fresh Basil
1 tbs Mrs Dash Italian Seasoning
1 tbs Red Wine Vinegar
Toss and cook for 20- 25 min at 400

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Move over Giada, theres a new Italian Cook in town! These turkey meatballs are quick, easy, and DELICIOUS! Great to eat with your classic pasta and sauce, scrambled into your morning eggs, or alone. So if you have 30-35 min, then you have time to whip up this meal!
1 1/2 lbs of ground turkey
1/2 c oatmeal
1/2 c chopped onions
1/2 c unsweetened applesauce
1/3 c low-sodium chicken broth
1 egg, whipped
2 tbs Basil, Parsley (Fresh is best)
1 tsp sea salt, pepper, garlic
*Pre-heat oven to 400
*Mix ingredients place meatballs on pan
*Cook for 20 min
*The chicken broth and applesauce help keep the turkey moist.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


These tasty plate helps me start most mornings of the day, paired along with some veggies on the side. Its packed with whey protein (which aids in building lean muscle mass) oatmeal (source of many nutrients and fiber) unsweetened applesauce (contains phytonutrients that act as antioxidants and fiber as well) cinnamon (has very strong anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, and can be an effective home remedy for many ailments) egg whites (the purest form of protein, and low in cholesterol) and topped off with a drizzle of honey (nature's energy booster, builds up our immune system, and is also a cure for many ailments!)
What else could you ask for in a breakfast?? Oh, that its quick and easy too?? Well, it is! Believe me I don't do much cooking that takes longer than 10 min. In fact, this one is less that 5!
*Pre-heat pan and spray with Pam or other non-stick cooking spray.
*Mix 1/4c of the following ingredients: oatmeal, egg whites, unsweetened applesauce
*1 tsp Truvia or Stevia
*1/2 tbs cinnamon
*1 tsp vanilla extract
*1/2 scoop Vanilla whey protein powder
-Pour mixture over hot pan and cook till you can flip pancake to other side without it falling apart. *This is why its key to have the pan pre-heated (aprox 2 min each side)
-Drizzle with honey, and enjoy!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The picture nowww decides to load!


For some unknown reason my blog is not allowing me to post any pictures with my blurb for today, so I guess I will be forced to write without! Today I'm posting a quick and easy asparagus recipe. But before I reveal my recipe I have to tell you all about this amazing veggie, part of the "lily" family of vegetables. Asparagus is great for numerous reasons: some which may surprise you! So I can tell you must be holding back your excitement so I'll get started...ASPARAGUS IS...
-a great detox vegetable (Asparagus is loaded with potassium, which lowers belly fat, and fiber which cleanses the digestive system. Who doesn't need a good flush of their system from time to time)
-has anti-aging benefits (maybe there's an asparagus face cream?? I'll have to look into that!)
-is an aphrodisiac (who knew asparagus could be sexy??)
-can protect against cancer ( Contains folate, which protects against cancer- I guess this veggie is much stronger than it looks!)
-reduces pain and inflammation (I guess I know what I'll be eating today for dinner!)
-can prevent osteoporosis and osteoarthritis (Contains Vitamin K which helps build strong bones- I guess milk isn't the only one building strong bones!)

Who knew?!? Now on to the recipe- you can use fresh or frozen asparagus.

-mix asparagus with: 2 tbs Extra Virgin Olive Oil
-1 tbs Vinegar (white, Red, or Balsamic)
-sea salt and pepper to taste (or any seasoning you prefer)
-Lay flat on baking sheet and cook 8-10 min at 425


And who said yummy treats can't be healthy?? Thanks to this months issue of Oxygen I have been baking up a storm of tasty treats! At a first glance the recipe list looked a little weird, (tofu and black bean brownies??) (cottage cheese in chocolate chip cookies??) but I thought why not?! And I'm sure glad I did- these treats pack in the protein without packing on the pounds! The recipes are easy, tasty, and full of nutritious ingredients so all us fit chicks (and men too :P) can stay fueled for killer workouts and keep sweet tooth cravings at bay. Could I ask for anything more in a cookie?? I think not!