I never realized how much I enjoyed cooking, really, until I learned to enjoy food the right way. I feel like cooking has become so exciting for me because I almost feel as though I'm discovering food for the first time, (and this time around I'm really enjoying it)...
Food, I have found, is often thought of as the 'enemy' for many constant dieters, or anyone trying to loose or maintain their weight. Calories and carbs are always being counted, labels read thoroughly: every bite of food is scrutinized before it enters our mouth. Wouldn't it just be nice to just EAT?? I honestly never thought I would find a way of eating that I actually enjoyed. I never thought I would be able to eat a meal without the feeling of guilt ultimately following. It was sad and frustrating, and even more so, I now know I'm was not alone in feeling this. So read on blog followers, and hopefully I can convert a few of you to a new world of guiltless and healthy eating:)
...So yes, this story has a happy ending, and yours can too! I discovered the power of Clean Eating about a year ago, and after a few months of trial and error, and adjusting to my new lifestyle, I have found myself hooked and forever grateful. I don't ever feel limited in my choices, I love to eat and cook, and I have to admit I've never looked or felt better. And that's a good feeling! I now feel excited to cook dinner and pack my lunch! It sounds silly, but after years of tormenting myself with silly diets it feels amazing to just relax and enjoy. I know that everything I'm putting into my body is fueling it for life, and yes, it all tastes good:)
So what are you waiting for?! You're obviously on a computer, so google Clean Eating, and of course my favorite Clean Eating Cook, Tosca Reno, and get started!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Random Acts of Kindness

Feeling inspired this morning! I'm going for 2 posts! I have to say that nothing makes my day like having a random person, or friend, go out of their way to say something or do something nice for someone else. Same goes for doing something nice myself, and seeing the smile on someone elses' face:)
Its as simple as flashing a smile, holding a door, or telling someone they look pretty: just acknowledging people other than ourselves! It's a wonderful feeling! Sometimes we get wrapped up in the chaos of our own lives, and forget that other people have problems too. And maybe, just maybe, bringing a little kindness into one anther's lives may make us take a step back and reflect. Maybe take a break from the go, go, go of our everyday lives, and learn to take some time to help others who may not have realized this little trick yet. So today pass on a random act of kindness. Say hello to people on the street, buy someones coffee behind you at the coffee shop, hold a door, give a genuine compliment, help a friend with a project, SMILE:) You never know, you may make someones day!
past, present, future...
Ahh finally a morning where I get to sit in peace for more than 10-15 min! I get to enjoy my coffee and actually write something more than a short paragraph! So get comfy, I know I am! I'm sitting here in my PJ's on the couch, gearing up for a long one, so get some popcorn (just kidding, get your kale chips or trailmix!)...
In fear that this may sound a bit lofty or possibly preachy, please look beyond that and take what you can from this piece. I try not to 'take sides' or preach when I write, just give you ideas that hopefully spark something in your mind. My goal is to create an interest, and provide information towards living a healthy lifestyle through healthy eating, exercise, and positive mental health.
Today I'm going to talk about the mental health aspect. Lately I've been finding myself being a bit nostalgic or missing home. I wrestle with the idea of letting these thoughts creep in, or to push them away in fear of them intruding on my present life. I don't know if my thoughts wander because I am thousands of miles away from home, or if something in my present life is bringing them back, I just don't know. (Here's where it may get a bit lofty, so bear with me.) These thoughts, we all have them: what do we with them? Are they who we were in the past? Who we are now? I think they are a comibination of both. We wouldn't be who we are today without the past, both good and bad...
Then of course theres the sorting of the thoughts...do you let in all the memories of your past? Personally I say, yes. Focus on the postive memories and thoughts, but do not completely block out the less that desirable memories. For those memories helped shape who you are today, and supressed memories will do nothing but torment you.
We all live in somewhat of our own realities. We tend to see what we want to see, and for the most part, do what we want to do. Sometimes we can even completely reivent ourselves (hey, look at Madonna!) And thats wonderful, to get a fresh start, and begin something new. But don't forget what it was that got you there...My point (if you haven't realized it yet), is don't forget where you came from, because it is the gateway to all the success in your future.
So, remember your past, live in the present, and plan for the future! And have a great day:)
In fear that this may sound a bit lofty or possibly preachy, please look beyond that and take what you can from this piece. I try not to 'take sides' or preach when I write, just give you ideas that hopefully spark something in your mind. My goal is to create an interest, and provide information towards living a healthy lifestyle through healthy eating, exercise, and positive mental health.
Today I'm going to talk about the mental health aspect. Lately I've been finding myself being a bit nostalgic or missing home. I wrestle with the idea of letting these thoughts creep in, or to push them away in fear of them intruding on my present life. I don't know if my thoughts wander because I am thousands of miles away from home, or if something in my present life is bringing them back, I just don't know. (Here's where it may get a bit lofty, so bear with me.) These thoughts, we all have them: what do we with them? Are they who we were in the past? Who we are now? I think they are a comibination of both. We wouldn't be who we are today without the past, both good and bad...
Then of course theres the sorting of the thoughts...do you let in all the memories of your past? Personally I say, yes. Focus on the postive memories and thoughts, but do not completely block out the less that desirable memories. For those memories helped shape who you are today, and supressed memories will do nothing but torment you.
We all live in somewhat of our own realities. We tend to see what we want to see, and for the most part, do what we want to do. Sometimes we can even completely reivent ourselves (hey, look at Madonna!) And thats wonderful, to get a fresh start, and begin something new. But don't forget what it was that got you there...My point (if you haven't realized it yet), is don't forget where you came from, because it is the gateway to all the success in your future.
So, remember your past, live in the present, and plan for the future! And have a great day:)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Goal Setting
I seem to be getting a little off track from my blogging about food! But don't worry I havent abandoned my cooking! (Just slacking on the writing portion) I have been going a bit overboard with organizing all of my recipes, workouts, and putting it all into lookbooks, (my new obsession) They are AMAZING! I am a bit of a packrat, and love to keep just about everything, so this has helped me somewhat organize my mess.
Which brings me to a tip that helps me quite alot: Goal Planning! ...why is it so helpful?
*Organizes your thoughts. (If youre anything like me, you've got a million and one thoughts flying around up there!) Putting it on paper helps make sense of it all!
*Makes it 'official'. Your goals aren't just theories or ideas now: they're on paper and concrete.
*Gives you direction.
Goal planning is a great way to help start a healthy lifestyle if you're just starting out. And a great way to stay on track and progress if you've already started on your journey!
Which brings me to a tip that helps me quite alot: Goal Planning! ...why is it so helpful?
*Organizes your thoughts. (If youre anything like me, you've got a million and one thoughts flying around up there!) Putting it on paper helps make sense of it all!
*Makes it 'official'. Your goals aren't just theories or ideas now: they're on paper and concrete.
*Gives you direction.
Goal planning is a great way to help start a healthy lifestyle if you're just starting out. And a great way to stay on track and progress if you've already started on your journey!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Focus on the POSITIVE
You know those days when you wake up and everything seems to be going right? You wake up full of energy, ready, and excited, to start the day...you drive to work and hit all the green lights, the radios playing all your favorite songs...you even get a compliment from a complete stranger...the day is yours... But then of course there are the days when nothing seems to be going right- your temper is short, you feel insecure and small. Why is that, that our moods fluctuate from day to day or even hour to hour?
Each individual is different in what makes us happy or sad, but I know that having a constant, a constant something, in our lives can make life much easier. True happiness, I believe, comes with the acceptance of yourself, both your strengths and weakness'. As of right now, (for things are always changing), I have found my strength in leading a healthy and positive lifestyle. For me eating healthy and staying physically fit has opened so many doors. Not only have I become healthy physically, I have grown mentally as well. By realizing this strength a lightbulb inside my head seemed to have turned on. The switch finally clicked! I am now writing, going back to school, and genuinely excited to learn and share! My point is that when you focus on your strengths, positive things are sure to come. It wasnt long ago that I wasn't comfortable saying I was good at anything- I thought it seemed cocky, almost rude. I felt that someone might laugh, but now I feel comfortbale in my own skin. I'm not saying I don't have the 'I can'ts' ever or have a bad day, but now its much easier to pull myself out of them.
Having a constant positive such as healthy eating and working out can bring nothing but joy, and I wish that gift to everyone! So have a happy, positve day, and don't forget to acknowledge your strengths!
Each individual is different in what makes us happy or sad, but I know that having a constant, a constant something, in our lives can make life much easier. True happiness, I believe, comes with the acceptance of yourself, both your strengths and weakness'. As of right now, (for things are always changing), I have found my strength in leading a healthy and positive lifestyle. For me eating healthy and staying physically fit has opened so many doors. Not only have I become healthy physically, I have grown mentally as well. By realizing this strength a lightbulb inside my head seemed to have turned on. The switch finally clicked! I am now writing, going back to school, and genuinely excited to learn and share! My point is that when you focus on your strengths, positive things are sure to come. It wasnt long ago that I wasn't comfortable saying I was good at anything- I thought it seemed cocky, almost rude. I felt that someone might laugh, but now I feel comfortbale in my own skin. I'm not saying I don't have the 'I can'ts' ever or have a bad day, but now its much easier to pull myself out of them.
Having a constant positive such as healthy eating and working out can bring nothing but joy, and I wish that gift to everyone! So have a happy, positve day, and don't forget to acknowledge your strengths!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
When cooking healthy its definitely a game of trial and error...and I think I've won one! lol In attempt to try and recreate my husband's favorite cookies (No-Bakes) I found a recipe thats pretty close! (no, its not as sugary and delicious, but still a valid attempt!) I found this recipe in Oxygen Magazine, as a reader's send in recipe of the month- so I really have her to thank! I love how theres so many recipes in the magazines- really saves me some time! I've gotten into the habit of cutting them all out and putting them in a book. Which is actually pretty handy- now I'm not searching relentlessly through all 30 or so of my magazines looking for a certain recipe! But back to the no-bake remix...super easy, super quick, and pretty darn tasty!
Its just...
2 c quick oats
1/2 natural pb (I melted mine to make it mix easier)
1 tbs flax seed
4 scoops protein powder (chocolate is my favorite, but you can use vanilla or cookies and cream)
1/2 water
Just mix all together and scoop into a wax paper line pan. Freeze for 3o min, cut, and enjoy!
I drizzled mine with honey, and you can add dried fruit also! So easy, perfect when youre on the go! And even better, theyre good for you:)
Its just...
2 c quick oats
1/2 natural pb (I melted mine to make it mix easier)
1 tbs flax seed
4 scoops protein powder (chocolate is my favorite, but you can use vanilla or cookies and cream)
1/2 water
Just mix all together and scoop into a wax paper line pan. Freeze for 3o min, cut, and enjoy!
I drizzled mine with honey, and you can add dried fruit also! So easy, perfect when youre on the go! And even better, theyre good for you:)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tonight's dinner was a complete success! My husband always tries my food, but tonight he actually LIKED it! Making me the happiest housewife in the world!:) Not only did he love the meal, it was HEALTHY too!!! Further proving my point that healthy food does NOT taste bad, and you don't need a pound of butter (sorry Paula Dean!) to make a dish taste delicious!
Tonight's meal was "Persian Beef with herb khoresh and rice" from Tosca Reno. The spice blend was unique and spicy, and the aroma, you could basically taste it as it was cooking! Beef is something that I actually have never cooked, and rarely ever eat, but having my husband in mind I decided to take a jab at the unknown. The meal was fairly easy to make, but you need about 10-15 min to prep, and the meal slow cooks for 45-65 min. As Reno says, it spices up even the most basic rice or couscous. Savory and delicious, the Polt household will definetly be making this dish again!
I also made another super easy dish just for fun: Mango Salsa! Soo easy, and soo taste, and oh soo healthy! Great as a side dish, spice up plain ol chicken, or just to munch on alone!
Tonight's meal was "Persian Beef with herb khoresh and rice" from Tosca Reno. The spice blend was unique and spicy, and the aroma, you could basically taste it as it was cooking! Beef is something that I actually have never cooked, and rarely ever eat, but having my husband in mind I decided to take a jab at the unknown. The meal was fairly easy to make, but you need about 10-15 min to prep, and the meal slow cooks for 45-65 min. As Reno says, it spices up even the most basic rice or couscous. Savory and delicious, the Polt household will definetly be making this dish again!
I also made another super easy dish just for fun: Mango Salsa! Soo easy, and soo taste, and oh soo healthy! Great as a side dish, spice up plain ol chicken, or just to munch on alone!
Where I'm coming from
Here I am, sipping my Lean Green Shake, (recipe previously posted) vanilla protein is gone, and I'm short on skim milk, so I added chocolate protein and 1/4c Green Naked Juice drink. Verdict- pretty darn good! Has a richer taste, and feels a little thicker. ...But anyway, back to the topic I signed onto here to write about. I'm going to slightly diverge from food today, and talk a little, ok alot, about my background, in case you ever want to know where I'm coming from- so humor me!
I grew up a small town in NH where as I look back on it now, my life pretty much revolved around playing sports. My love affair with fitness began at the ripe age of about 6 when I started playing softball with just about every other kid in our town: (there really wasn't a whole lot else for us to do other than join the town league). Obviously then it really didn't matter if we were good or not, and that's a good thing because frankly I wasn't showing too much promise picking daisies in the outfield...But I stuck with it, and my Dad eventually landed the Coaching job for my team, thus beginning our turbulent father-daughter sport season relationship, haha. Little side note here- to know me, you know my father. We are very much alike in mannerisms, meaning we're both incredibly sweet people, will give you the shirt off our backs, but watch the temper! I've learn to keep mine private, but believe me competitions can bring out the emotions! Back to story- I made him practice with me EVERY day! Pitch, catch, bat (wasn't so hott with this one), run the bases, field, whatever I wanted. I loved the sport, and everyone used to find it so funny that I was actually 'good'! I didn't get it- so what I'm small?? I'm quick, I hustle, and more than anything I had soo much heart. I wanted to win, but more I just wanted to have fun with my friends.
By 8th grade my Dad no longer coached, from the actual coaching dugout that is, haha, but my glory continued. By now I was also playing volleyball yearround, (this beginning in 6th grade). Now this sport I LOVED. We didn't have cheer leading or gymnastics or dance, or any of the girly things I wanted at school, so volleyball was what I 'settled' for. And I'm soo glad I did! In all honesty I don't remember the stats, but I remember my love and passion for the game: it was something so intense that I don't think I could recreate it if I tried. I had this exact conversation with a client about week ago, about the intensity we used to feel when stepping onto the court, or in her case, the field. It's a beautiful feeling, and after high school I didn't know if I would ever feel it again...
My love for the sport (volleyball), and a little softball too, must have shown through. I received Coach's Awards, and MVP's all through my career, but what really shook me was my senior year. I was in a small class, but it was filled with talented athletes. I was honored to have been chosen as "Athlete of the Year", and different All-State teams, and a Captain on my team. It was an amazing end to an amazing career. With this I embarked onto college, a little unsure of what to study, but with a spot on the volleyball team...
College, well, to sum it up: it was an expensive 2 years! lol I was not ready, and unsure of what I wanted to do. I loved sports, but was I going to be a pro athlete??? ummm NO...After two years I decided to go to cosmetology school. I always had an interest in becoming an esthician, but after meeting with the director of Toni and Guy Hairdressing Academy in RI, I was ready and signed up to become the most 'FABULOUS' hairdresser there was! It was a long 9 months, but so rewarding! I LOVED my family there, and I loved the craft I had learned.
After graduating, for the next 2 1/2 years, I worked my butt off!!! I did hair, I bartended, I was a liquor promoter, I worked all the time; I WAS A WORKOHOLIC! Ahh, feels good to say it, as I'm sitting on my butt writing:) And for those 2 years, it suited my lifestlye, but I wasn't healthy. And I don't think I was very happy either, (with myself that is). The reality of it was that I felt like something was missing- problem being- I didn't know what. My eating habits were out of whack, my sleep schedule was terrible, whatever sleep I got that its, and all I did was cardio cardio cardio, (to be skinny, you know? lol) At this point in my life I was at a fork- which way to go? Which to pick? It was at this point that a client of mine, that I had been friends with for sometime now, told me I looked pretty much like Nicole Richie...awkward pause...ok, dealing with reality is not always the easiest thing. Confronting the issue head on is ugly and terrible, but let me tell you I'm soo glad I did. It's been almost a year since her telling me this, and I can't thank her enough. This woman turned my life around. She also introduced me into the fitness world, and got me to do my first show. I was in love...
And that I was: in love with fitness and competing, and with my now husband. This man as you can tell from previous blogs, is my rock. He is the love of my life, and my biggest fan. I moved out to Hawaii to be here with him, and start our life together. It has been quite the transitional phase going from working girl to just wanting to be home with him. I've also found my lifestyle, and priorities have really changed. When I first moved to Hawaii I read an article in Oxygen Magazine about a woman who was trying to juggle her full time job, while also becoming a fitness competitor and model. Eventually she quick her job, and is now a has a successful career in the Fitness Industry. Being a bit impulsive, I immediately looked up schools for Nutrition.
Yesterday I read a friend's story of her life changing experiences that lead her to sell her business and begin a new one in a whole new career field! It's funny when signs like that seem to pop up at times of unclarity, seemingly pointing you in the right direction. It seems I have found my 'missing piece'. The more I read and learn about nutrition, cooking, helping others, working out, teaching, basically anything that health and wellness encompass, the more I feel at home. And that feeling I used to get on the court, I've found it again: in teaching and working the stage, and seeing an article I wrote being published! I'm excited, I'm happy, and I'm healthy. I am currently enrolled to finish my BA in Nutrition and am studying for my AFFA certification in Primary Group Fitness. Life is good. Upon leaving Hawaii in August for our next duty station I'm excited to see what life brings.
So if you've stuck with me to the end of this longgg blog, thankyou!
I grew up a small town in NH where as I look back on it now, my life pretty much revolved around playing sports. My love affair with fitness began at the ripe age of about 6 when I started playing softball with just about every other kid in our town: (there really wasn't a whole lot else for us to do other than join the town league). Obviously then it really didn't matter if we were good or not, and that's a good thing because frankly I wasn't showing too much promise picking daisies in the outfield...But I stuck with it, and my Dad eventually landed the Coaching job for my team, thus beginning our turbulent father-daughter sport season relationship, haha. Little side note here- to know me, you know my father. We are very much alike in mannerisms, meaning we're both incredibly sweet people, will give you the shirt off our backs, but watch the temper! I've learn to keep mine private, but believe me competitions can bring out the emotions! Back to story- I made him practice with me EVERY day! Pitch, catch, bat (wasn't so hott with this one), run the bases, field, whatever I wanted. I loved the sport, and everyone used to find it so funny that I was actually 'good'! I didn't get it- so what I'm small?? I'm quick, I hustle, and more than anything I had soo much heart. I wanted to win, but more I just wanted to have fun with my friends.
By 8th grade my Dad no longer coached, from the actual coaching dugout that is, haha, but my glory continued. By now I was also playing volleyball yearround, (this beginning in 6th grade). Now this sport I LOVED. We didn't have cheer leading or gymnastics or dance, or any of the girly things I wanted at school, so volleyball was what I 'settled' for. And I'm soo glad I did! In all honesty I don't remember the stats, but I remember my love and passion for the game: it was something so intense that I don't think I could recreate it if I tried. I had this exact conversation with a client about week ago, about the intensity we used to feel when stepping onto the court, or in her case, the field. It's a beautiful feeling, and after high school I didn't know if I would ever feel it again...
My love for the sport (volleyball), and a little softball too, must have shown through. I received Coach's Awards, and MVP's all through my career, but what really shook me was my senior year. I was in a small class, but it was filled with talented athletes. I was honored to have been chosen as "Athlete of the Year", and different All-State teams, and a Captain on my team. It was an amazing end to an amazing career. With this I embarked onto college, a little unsure of what to study, but with a spot on the volleyball team...
College, well, to sum it up: it was an expensive 2 years! lol I was not ready, and unsure of what I wanted to do. I loved sports, but was I going to be a pro athlete??? ummm NO...After two years I decided to go to cosmetology school. I always had an interest in becoming an esthician, but after meeting with the director of Toni and Guy Hairdressing Academy in RI, I was ready and signed up to become the most 'FABULOUS' hairdresser there was! It was a long 9 months, but so rewarding! I LOVED my family there, and I loved the craft I had learned.
After graduating, for the next 2 1/2 years, I worked my butt off!!! I did hair, I bartended, I was a liquor promoter, I worked all the time; I WAS A WORKOHOLIC! Ahh, feels good to say it, as I'm sitting on my butt writing:) And for those 2 years, it suited my lifestlye, but I wasn't healthy. And I don't think I was very happy either, (with myself that is). The reality of it was that I felt like something was missing- problem being- I didn't know what. My eating habits were out of whack, my sleep schedule was terrible, whatever sleep I got that its, and all I did was cardio cardio cardio, (to be skinny, you know? lol) At this point in my life I was at a fork- which way to go? Which to pick? It was at this point that a client of mine, that I had been friends with for sometime now, told me I looked pretty much like Nicole Richie...awkward pause...ok, dealing with reality is not always the easiest thing. Confronting the issue head on is ugly and terrible, but let me tell you I'm soo glad I did. It's been almost a year since her telling me this, and I can't thank her enough. This woman turned my life around. She also introduced me into the fitness world, and got me to do my first show. I was in love...
And that I was: in love with fitness and competing, and with my now husband. This man as you can tell from previous blogs, is my rock. He is the love of my life, and my biggest fan. I moved out to Hawaii to be here with him, and start our life together. It has been quite the transitional phase going from working girl to just wanting to be home with him. I've also found my lifestyle, and priorities have really changed. When I first moved to Hawaii I read an article in Oxygen Magazine about a woman who was trying to juggle her full time job, while also becoming a fitness competitor and model. Eventually she quick her job, and is now a has a successful career in the Fitness Industry. Being a bit impulsive, I immediately looked up schools for Nutrition.
Yesterday I read a friend's story of her life changing experiences that lead her to sell her business and begin a new one in a whole new career field! It's funny when signs like that seem to pop up at times of unclarity, seemingly pointing you in the right direction. It seems I have found my 'missing piece'. The more I read and learn about nutrition, cooking, helping others, working out, teaching, basically anything that health and wellness encompass, the more I feel at home. And that feeling I used to get on the court, I've found it again: in teaching and working the stage, and seeing an article I wrote being published! I'm excited, I'm happy, and I'm healthy. I am currently enrolled to finish my BA in Nutrition and am studying for my AFFA certification in Primary Group Fitness. Life is good. Upon leaving Hawaii in August for our next duty station I'm excited to see what life brings.
So if you've stuck with me to the end of this longgg blog, thankyou!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
cooking Cooking COOKING!
Today I was a cooking MACHINE! My mind has been on super overdrive, and today my hands and body were finally ready to keep up! After reading my new cookbook cover to cover: (Tosca Reno, you are a genius!) and adding it to all the other recipes I've found, my little brain has been on planning overload! The wheels are really turning people, change is in the air... I feel like I am constantly thinking of new recipes, different ways to tweek them (so everyone in my life is satisfied), and how I can't believe I'm just discovering all of this! I think I may have discovered my calling! Food Network here I come- move over Martha and Rachel!! haha
Today, after my shopping date at the grocery store, I went on a nonstop cooking spree that lasted about 4 hours!...possibly more. I made:
1. Clean Egg Salad (I posted this recipe earlier, special note* cucumbers are are a good substitute for celery if you don't like celery. *Also, putting the cottage cheese in the blender gives it a MUCH nicer texture.
2. Clean Chicken Salad (This recipe was also posted before. Special Note* Boiling the chicken makes it very moist.
3. Kale and Sweet Potato Chips with Tomato Sauce! Here's a new one for you, especially you anti-cookers! This recipe is easy as pie (which I never really understood that saying, because making pie is not easy...) but this recipe is! All you need is...
1 bunch of kale, washed and torn
1 large sweet potato
2 tbs extra virgin olive oil (use a 0 cal oil spray if watching fat intake)
pinch of red pepper flakes
3 garlic gloves minced (if you don't have fresh thats ok, just use powder)
1. Preheat oven to 350. Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
2. Mix ingredients together, and line on baking sheet. If using spray, line on baking sheet then spray.
3. Cook 15-20 min, turning half-way through. Serve hot!
TOMATO SAUCE (Combine all ingredients together in bowl and serve!)
4 tbs low-sodium tomoato paste (if seasoned, you don't need to add extra seasoning)
3/4 c low-sodium chicken broth
1/2 c chopped tomato (or salsa!)
2 tsp Italian Seasoning
Tobassco Sauce (optional)
I also added chili powder
This recipe was written by Tosca Reno for Oxygen Magazine. This is great for an appitizer, and as a substitute for greasy chips! Indulging without the guilt- sounds good to me!
4. For dinner I made: THAI STIR FRY. I found this recipe in Muscle and Fitness Magazine, and modified it to my taste. It's a filling and tasty meal that combines protien, veggies, healthy fats, good carbs, and a whole lotta flavor!
20 baby carrots, halved
1 med red pepper, sliced
1 tsp Olive Oil
*14 oz of any of the following: shrimp, firm tofu, lean turkey, or chicken.
2 tsp low sodiom soy sauce
2 tbs ginger
4 minced garlic cloves
2 c cooked brown rice
Peanut Sauce
2 tbs Natural Peanut Butter
1/2 c water
1 tsp soy sauce
1/2 tsp crushed rep pepper
1/4 tsp black pepper
1. Steam carrots and peppers. (About 5 min) Then set aside.
2. Pour Olive Oil of large skillet under med-high heat . Add protien of choice, 1 tsp soy sauce, and sautee for 5 min. Add ginger, garlic, and second tsp of soy sauce; sautee again for 5 more min.
3. Place all peanut sauce ingredients in a blender (10-15 sec) until creamy. Pour over stir-fry mixture. Reduce heat to low, and simmer till sauce is thickened.
4. Serve in order on plate: rice, veggies, stir-fry mixture.
This recipe is great because it is so interchangable! You can change the vegetables or the protien to suit your needs, and your taste buds!
5. And a day wouldn't be complete without something SWEET! This recipe is a bit of a combination from Tosca Reno's Cook Book and the recipe on the back of Muffin Mix I bought. If you search the organic isles in the grocery store there are often premade mixes that include nothing but whole wheat flour and other unproccesed, good ingredients. I found a bran mix that include ww flour, flaxseed, wheat germ, organic brown sugar, and molasses. I added:
1 egg white
1 egg
1/2 c unsweetened apple sauce
1/4 c oranic orange juice
1 c chopped dates
*unsweetened apple sauce makes the muffins moist, and sweet!
Cook at 375 for 10-15 min! Enjoy, these are delicious!
Phew! I'm tired just looking at all the food I cooked! I hope you enjoy these recipes as much as I did!
Today, after my shopping date at the grocery store, I went on a nonstop cooking spree that lasted about 4 hours!...possibly more. I made:
1. Clean Egg Salad (I posted this recipe earlier, special note* cucumbers are are a good substitute for celery if you don't like celery. *Also, putting the cottage cheese in the blender gives it a MUCH nicer texture.
2. Clean Chicken Salad (This recipe was also posted before. Special Note* Boiling the chicken makes it very moist.
3. Kale and Sweet Potato Chips with Tomato Sauce! Here's a new one for you, especially you anti-cookers! This recipe is easy as pie (which I never really understood that saying, because making pie is not easy...) but this recipe is! All you need is...
1 bunch of kale, washed and torn
1 large sweet potato
2 tbs extra virgin olive oil (use a 0 cal oil spray if watching fat intake)
pinch of red pepper flakes
3 garlic gloves minced (if you don't have fresh thats ok, just use powder)
1. Preheat oven to 350. Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
2. Mix ingredients together, and line on baking sheet. If using spray, line on baking sheet then spray.
3. Cook 15-20 min, turning half-way through. Serve hot!
TOMATO SAUCE (Combine all ingredients together in bowl and serve!)
4 tbs low-sodium tomoato paste (if seasoned, you don't need to add extra seasoning)
3/4 c low-sodium chicken broth
1/2 c chopped tomato (or salsa!)
2 tsp Italian Seasoning
Tobassco Sauce (optional)
I also added chili powder
This recipe was written by Tosca Reno for Oxygen Magazine. This is great for an appitizer, and as a substitute for greasy chips! Indulging without the guilt- sounds good to me!
4. For dinner I made: THAI STIR FRY. I found this recipe in Muscle and Fitness Magazine, and modified it to my taste. It's a filling and tasty meal that combines protien, veggies, healthy fats, good carbs, and a whole lotta flavor!
20 baby carrots, halved
1 med red pepper, sliced
1 tsp Olive Oil
*14 oz of any of the following: shrimp, firm tofu, lean turkey, or chicken.
2 tsp low sodiom soy sauce
2 tbs ginger
4 minced garlic cloves
2 c cooked brown rice
Peanut Sauce
2 tbs Natural Peanut Butter
1/2 c water
1 tsp soy sauce
1/2 tsp crushed rep pepper
1/4 tsp black pepper
1. Steam carrots and peppers. (About 5 min) Then set aside.
2. Pour Olive Oil of large skillet under med-high heat . Add protien of choice, 1 tsp soy sauce, and sautee for 5 min. Add ginger, garlic, and second tsp of soy sauce; sautee again for 5 more min.
3. Place all peanut sauce ingredients in a blender (10-15 sec) until creamy. Pour over stir-fry mixture. Reduce heat to low, and simmer till sauce is thickened.
4. Serve in order on plate: rice, veggies, stir-fry mixture.
This recipe is great because it is so interchangable! You can change the vegetables or the protien to suit your needs, and your taste buds!
5. And a day wouldn't be complete without something SWEET! This recipe is a bit of a combination from Tosca Reno's Cook Book and the recipe on the back of Muffin Mix I bought. If you search the organic isles in the grocery store there are often premade mixes that include nothing but whole wheat flour and other unproccesed, good ingredients. I found a bran mix that include ww flour, flaxseed, wheat germ, organic brown sugar, and molasses. I added:
1 egg white
1 egg
1/2 c unsweetened apple sauce
1/4 c oranic orange juice
1 c chopped dates
*unsweetened apple sauce makes the muffins moist, and sweet!
Cook at 375 for 10-15 min! Enjoy, these are delicious!
Phew! I'm tired just looking at all the food I cooked! I hope you enjoy these recipes as much as I did!
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