I often have people ask me questions like How do you do it? or Why do do you do it? Referring of course to healthy clean eating, working out, and competing. Sometimes these questions come from someone who honestly wants to know, others ask as if I'm from another planet! (As if eating clean and working out was some foreign, taboo thing to do) Those that express a genuine interest make my day because they're like sponges, absorbing anything and everything I have to say. They too, see the need to take care of your body (its the only one we have people!) The critics, however, are a little harder to sway, but I take the challenge. I figure if someone can be so stubborn against something, imagine how gung-ho they'll be towards living healthy if I can help them see another side.
Back to how and why I do it. The How is pretty simple: I WANT to do it. When you WANT something and make it your top priority, its going to happen. But you have to want it with everything in you, or its just simply not going to happen. Pardon my language, but you can't half ass it- its 110% or forget it. This may mean making some lifestyle changes, I know for me it did. Late nights out drinking...well I'm the DD now; social gatherings...I tend to bring my own food or bring a dish that I know I can eat; sleeping in...no way I'm at the gym!; skipping meals...not a chance, I carry a lunchbox everywhere I go...and the list goes on. Point is, the idea of wanting is only half of it, your actions are the rest. The journey isn't easy, but its well worth it. This regimen teaches you discipline, and even if you're not wanting to compete, you have to at least respect the discipline it teaches you that will carry over into all areas of your life. Not to mention the health benefits of course!
As to Why I do it? I love it. Plain and simple. I love the adrenaline rush I feel working out, I love sprinting with my music blaring in my ears, I love the burn of pushing out one more rep, I love seeing my physique change, I love the discipline it has brought to my life, I love getting glamorous for a day and stepping on stage and feeling like a rock star for 45 seconds, I love feeling healthy, I love finding new recipes, I love helping others discover all these feelings and more...I love it all!